I never realized that aloes makes such nice house plants as living in south Africa the place for aloes is outside. However on the www I soon realized that there are many people who love these plants but have to keep them indoors. The best part is that aloes like little soil around the roots and they love it when you forget to water them. I would like to hear from other members what aloes or other succulents they keep indoors.
yes that is true. I never tried them, but I saw many on the www do they need a lot of light? jades make beautiful "bonzai". I was invited to a group who make bonzai from succulent and caudiciform plants. It is amazing how beautiful the jade plants(and some other succulents ... aaa..so nice) look in a bonsai set-up.
i keep mine under a light in my room all day.i don't know if it is neccesary though.i just leave it there for looks.jade bonsai?i would like pics of that.pm me some?
I kept succulents when i first started messing with plants. Here in SC it gets a little too cold sometimes to keep them outside, although larger mature plants have adapted to the cold winters we sometimes get. I have aloe, zebra haworthia, had a living stone (warning don't buy one of those unless you are an expert, lol) and of course burrow's tail. I have seen pics of Jade used as bonsai and know someone who has one. It is about 2 feet tall. wish i had a picture of it. a jade can become quite large if it is properly cared for. And since we are on the subject of jade plants, has anyone gotten theirs to bloom?
jade as bonsai I don't have a digital camera to take a pic of the jade bonsai but I just check google which has some good pics. I typed "jade plants as bonsai" Maybe I should try to get a jade to grow into a bonsai, bet it will take years for it though.