The flowers almost look like a geranium, but the leaves are wrong. I have looked, but so far nothing. I have a plant book I will check tomorrow if no one else comes up with an ID, as usual it is beautiful.
Water Canna, canna americanallis variegata Orange with yellow striped leaves. True aquatic canna hybrids. Long slender spade-shaped leaves. Spikes of brilliant colored flowers. Reaches 4-6 ft. in height. Tolerates up to 6" water depth. Hardy zones 7-10. Could this be the same plant? I looked up bog plants.Still resembling a hosta i think.
Nope, not a canna. The leaves do have a Hosta look to them and Hostas do range from 18 inches to 36 inches tall with most varieties being between 24 and 36 inches. I know I have seen this one somewhere, I will just have to keep looking.
I thought i was right the first time, by the markings on the leaves, they are definetly hosta,but because olga said it was 2ft tall, i figured she knew there wasnt 2 ft tall hostas.
My first guess of hosta ,i still feel is right.The second guess was a possible.Lets see who can figure this out.
It looks like a type of Crossandra to me, but I admit that I've never seen a variegated variety. :-? Very attractive, I'd love it for the foliage alone.