Dark grey feature wall?

Discussion in 'Choosing Colors' started by hayaku, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. hayaku

    hayaku New Seed

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Recently I repainted and recarpeted a 2 bedroom apartment with the help of a friend. However we are currently a little unhappy with the overall effect, the whole thing just turned out a lot 'browner' than we expected. We are aiming to repaint the feature wall from the current light brown to a mid-dark grey, its one of the few colors we could find that still went with the carpet and walls.

    Anyway, here is a picture of the comparison between current colors (left) and what we are wanting to go for (right). Those are the exact colors matched from the paint company website so they are accurate.


    Do you think its ok? I have been warned it will make the room seem dull, gloomy, small, cramped, claustrophobic and like a prison from various people, but I have seen this scheme used many time and it has looked quite nice. This is just a sample pic I found on google of a dark grey feature wall and this is what I am trying to go for.


    What do you think? any advice would be appreciated.

    PS the room in question is 12ft x 15ft. All other walls are painted the lighter color and will stay that way.
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Hi hayaku, welcome to GardenStew. I think the grey colour will work well because of the fact that it's on a feature wall and you want it to stand out relative to the other walls. If all of the walls had been the grey colour then I would be concerned about it feeling like 'prison-like'.

    If you don't mind me asking what will you have on the wall feature-wise?

    // Frank
  4. michen_122

    michen_122 New Seed

    Apr 18, 2007
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    I agree with the eccentric gnome :p I have had either a black and white wall or even whole room since I was at college and I think your painting idea is great. Please keep us updated on it when you get it done
  5. DiDi

    DiDi New Seed

    May 20, 2006
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    hi there

    I think your idea of a colour change is fair but perhaps if u changed the wall opposite to the door's colour it might work better than the wall that is currently a different colour. Try not too go to dark, colour wise, it is best to use a colour to match your mood and the scheme your going with. I could give you full explanations and examples if i had a view like above but with windows and furniture layout,accessories,etc.

    Hope my decorating expertees helped a bit.

  6. hayaku

    hayaku New Seed

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Hi everyone and thanks for the input! update time!

    Well, after much deliberations we went with a color called "wild dove" which, despite our best efforts, we reasoned to be a nice grey from the color card in the paint shop. Anyway, and I am not totally sure of how exactly this happened, but once the paint was up and the lights were on it for some reason turned out to be purple!

    On closer inspection Wild Dove really is a kinda purply-grey but when you see the color tab sitting there, amongst all the other normal colors, all you see is grey. The problem is compounded by the fact that we chose a semi-gloss paint which, under strong light, bounces out any component colors much stronger and brighter than would otherwise be seen in a mat finish.

    I get the impression, after a little more research, that most conventional wall paints dont actually come in neutral grey, but are all varied blends of blue, green or purple greys. After all... who in their right mind would willingly paint a wall solid grey?

    Anyway, the deliberations continue. We are going to repaint the wall... it wasn't hard, only took about 15 mins per coat and cost under $20 so its not the end of the world. As for the quest for the perfect grey... wish me luck haha.
  7. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Oh dear so sorry the paint wasn't quite what you were looking for. :( I'd go for a blue/grey matt paint next time around if it were me. I really hope you can find a paint to suit soon. Do post a piccie of the wall when you've finished it won't you?
  8. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    That's a real shame hayaku. I'm sure a neutral grey does exist somewhere. Have you had a look online?
  9. JUSTIMAGINE design

    JUSTIMAGINE design New Seed

    May 21, 2007
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    Hello Hayaku

    Wild Dove by Dulux is a definite purple gray. In the Dulux range try either "Timeless Grey" or "Klute". (you won't find these colours on the Dulux sample wall, ask behind the desk to look at the fan deck.)

    Wattyl have a great grey...."Weathered Gray" or if you want darker try Wattyl "Slate Gray" or "Gray Mood"....I am sure one of these is what you are after.

    Good luck !!!
  10. bsewnsew

    bsewnsew Hardy Maple

    Feb 3, 2007
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    Not sure I would go for a beige carpet in that .
    Carpet with some live colors to match beige as well as grey..

    Maybe I am wrong.
  11. rushme

    rushme New Seed

    May 28, 2007
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    hi there, you have not mention the size of the room and the activity of the room. if its the small room than gray color will make ur room smaller in appearance. will suggest you don't paint the wall again and add color in the space in the form of bight painting of contrasting colors or darker color of furniture.
  12. bsewnsew

    bsewnsew Hardy Maple

    Feb 3, 2007
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    I went Streak white in my walls!!!!!!ha ha

    My outside was are paneling , in the browns, Inside walls are all white.....Everywhere.
    My Hall is white......
    I found it getting too hard to choose colors.

  13. hayaku

    hayaku New Seed

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Hello again everybody, long time no post but finally there has been some progress!

    Thank you JUSTIMAGINE design, by your name it sounds like you are into design professionally which would account for your somewhat detailed knowledge of pain colors. Unfortunately for me, your expertise came a little to late as I had to find out the hard way that it can be rather difficult to source vogue pain colors off the dulux colorboard in bunnings warehouse!! :)

    Anyway just so you all know, I did repaint. I went with something from the Taubmans range, it was a grey called "tree bark". The toss-up was between that and another, very similar grey called "birch bark". As you can derive from their names, tree bark had a hint of green in it, and birch bark a hint of red/brown. Neither were as color influenced as the Wild Dove however.

    Anyway, now the paint is up and its as close to perfect in my eyes as I could ever have imagined. The color itself is significantly darker than the Wild Dove grey but for some reason it actually doesn't seem to "cave in" nearly as much as the old color did. Strange, maybe its because it actually looks quite nice now, so you don't get that effect of confinement.

    I am now in the process of putting up some pictures, as was the original intention with the grey feature wall concept. As soon as they are up I will post some pictures 8)

    keep tuned!

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