I am growing these on the allotment - I will have to take a pic next time I visit. They have bulbous bottoms then a long hook - so they resemble swans. I believe they are only ornamental, but wondered if anyone knew if they are edible as I was sold snake gourd but found it on an America site as an edible.... Thanks
We have a gourd here in USA that is called a New Guinea Bean .I'm not sure why they were named this .They are long snake like gourd that is very good to eat.I wonder if its the same one.
I will remember to take my camera next visit. Problem seems, different countries and regions use different names for the same things. Very confusing, but an adventure!!
Still no idea if they are edible, but to be honest, they look so funky, either the kids will decorate them - paint or carved, for halloween, or I will dry them and have them as a table decoration for the autumn/winter.
I'll say one thing they definitely ARE funky-looking. A table decoration sounds like their destination
They are specked swan gourds. I grow them and they are fairly easy. No trellace is needed as they grow on the ground to get the curved neck. Seeds are available through many places. good luck Ed