Has anyone had any luck growing grapes or any sort of berries outside of their recommended hardiness zones? I'm in zone 9a, and I've always seen grapes and berries labeled for zones 4-8. Do you think I'd be able to grow any grapes or berries in deep south Texas? Do you have any suggestions on how I'd be able to make it work? General tips on growing plants outside of their hardiness zones are appreciated as well. Thanks!
If you want to make wine or jelly your best bet is to grow the native Muscadine (Mustang) grapes that are found growing wild on the road side. They are not a table grape but the jelly is heavenly. Raintree Nursery has several types of grapes for zones 7-9. There are several vinyards in Fredricksburg Texas, they are in zone 8b not too far from the beginning of zone 9a. It should be possible to grow some where you are.
MUSCADINES Hi, MONMON; By all means, check out muscadines as Toni suggested: .. I'm in zone 9 here in Florida and lots of older homesteads have 'grape arbors'. To grow grapes is possible but very labor intensive but the muscadines, of which there are now numerous varieties, do well with much less attention than the 'northern' grape varieties. Get a catalog from Ison's in Georgia to get an idea of what's available. Use Google or whatever search engine to find them. Hank.
Thank you both! I'll look into muscadines. The Rio Grande Valley is actually closer to zone 10, but if Henry can grow them in Florida, there may be hope for me in Texas! I will take a look at Raintree Nursery and Ison's. Thanks again!