As its branches grew heavy with little bunches of green globes, I neglected to take into account exactly how much weight those branches could handle and a big one snapped in half. It's still hanging on there...I didn't have the heart to chop it off even though I know I probably should have. Tell me, oh knowledgeable stew dwellers, what do I do to make sure my plant stays happy?
You could use one of those wire cages to help hold the branches under the weight. Or take some of the tomatoes off and wrap them to help them ripen. I put in a stake when I plant the tomatoes and tie branches with cloth to the stake. Tomatoes generally need some kind of support. You can still save the tomatoes by either wrapping them in newspaper and putting in a dark place for a few days or by putting them in a paper back with a cut apple for a few days. Dooley Oops! I think I forgot your squash seeds. Will tend to that today. Dooley
Thank you, dooley. I certainly have it staked now and will be caging it after I get to the store for supplies.