I was looking at my blog last night and I noticed that pictures from March have disappeared and are replaced by a white box with an X. I am using Photobucket. I haven't deleted the photos from that site, and I don't think I moved them. Is there a time limit for how long photos stay on the blogs? Can I go back and redo the link? Thanks in advance for any help. Amy
Oh my, the dreaded little red x. Amy, any little change, resizing even renaming a picture at Photobucket, will break the link. Yes you can fix it, I've had to go back and edit blog and forum posts to reload pictures just because I corrected spelling errors at Photobucket.
Actually to my knowledge PhotoBucket dropped the ball on this one. When I logged into my account there a few days back I noticed that any images were not in a sub-folder were deleted. Disappointing. They have been making a lot of changes recently (they were bought by MySpace a few days ago also). So I think that's what happened here Amy, it was more than likely not your fault. Also just to clarify the blogs has no time limit on images
Yikes!! Do you mean to say, Frank, that you lost everything on your entry page, (or whatever you call it)??? If that happened to me I'd be devastated!
I have just been putting everying into one album since they are all pictures of garden related things and they are all still there. I still have them all in my folder on the computer so I can replace them if they get deleted but I suppose I had better start moving them into folders on photobucket.
I have over 1000 items in my main album, I wouldn't mind moving them into sub-albums, but that would break A LOT of links. What I don't understand is why PB/MySpace would care how I organize my albums!?! Frank, do you think it was intentional, or just a glitch? Maybe since the same thing didn't happen to me when they made these changes . . . . . . maybe it won't happen.
Somehow I would say glitch Zuzu because if it actually was an intentional change it would be lunacy. I think I had about 10 images not in a folder so maybe a decision was made to cull any images outside of a folder in an account with less than, say X images outside of a folder. The reasons could have been they could save LOTS of storage space this way as these would probably be unused accounts anyhow. But this is a conspiracy theory I say honestly DON'T WORRY
Okay, I'll try not to panic, but my main album is where I keep all of my "personal" emoticons and you know I'm seriously smiley dependent. If I had to go cold turkey, it could kill me!!
Thanks for the info. It doesn't look like I lost any photos, so as time permits, I'll reload my blog pages.
Why Gardenstew, you had me In A Stew. I went and put all my photobucket photos on a cd to be on the safe side. 8)