good day all. help please. my cat , magic brought us a baby rabbit . unharmed, i do not know where to take it back to so will it be o.k. to care for bunnie myself? if so , how ? thank you. melissa
I wonder if you could somehow get Magic to show you where he got it? Then you could try to put it back.
If it has it eyes open and is able to get around and eat grass then it should OK to allow it to go free. However, it would be much better if you could find the warren that it came from as there is safety in numbers and it would also allow it to have bolt holes should there be any danger around.
I know this is sorta mean but my cat brings me rabbits. Well I think its more for the kittens more or less because when she didn't have any she would eat them. But she drop the rabbits/mice/rats and such in the yard and gathers here kittens and let them play with it to teach em how to hunt. I just let her do it being we need good mousers on the farm to keep pest down. But when it come time for hunting season its a no-no and she knows it. It's my time to get my food.
I agree with Bethie, they are hard to raise, and lots of times the mom won't take them back with the smell of humans on them.
Oh yes they are hard to raise I forgot to say that. After many times of trying to raise em after my grandfather disturbed there nests cutting and baling hay. I would ev1ery summer follow my grandfather helping the rabbits nest he disturbed but I never had one to live and at the time I had tame rabbit and raised some of there babys no problem.
My brother drove a pea viner and several rescued animals came my way. It's very, very hard to keep one alive if you handle it in any way. But we found that putting one in a secure place (a box in a cage for safety) and putting in a shallow dish of milk replacer from the feed store (smells wonderful, tastes aweful!) just for the very short time it takes to get them strong was very effective. Some of my best childhood memories, he even brought home a baby chicken hawk (noisy!). Best of luck!
Do u have an animal rescue that will come to pick him up. They would take care of him and then put him back in the wild.
thank you all so very much. after looking all kinds of info up and all of your thoughts we decided to go where magic was hanging out alot and let the lil guy go. we kept magic in the house. it was a fun thought to think about takeing care of it. thanks again. melissa
hello again.just guess what i have .......yep another bunnie. this one is smaller. i know i cant keep it but, i am wondering if i am going to be saveing bunnies from magic every evening . oh well i will do what i can for the good of bunnie world. melissa
Methinks Magic needs a big ol' bell on her collar! I inflict that on my MingMao whenever she gets into a critter-nabbing mood.
I would also be weary of baby bunnies.. as they may have diseases. We have found several and after husband ran over a nest killing 2 and the other ones living, he brought one in the house to show our daughter. After a few seconds of looking at it i yelled GET iT outside. it had parasites crawling all over it. I know they are cute. but, if you do let it go .. Id probably take it to a field some where so it wont come back to eat your flowers (; lol I have this problem too. Let is know what you do!