I thought this was quite a good idea: http://www.highcountrygardens.com/images/products/C0020.jpg I decided to make myself one with a hanging basket and 6 little cardinal climber seedlings. Boy, I sure hope it brings in the hummers...I'm getting kind of desperate!
I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed for you Anna. I'm sure the hummingbirds won't be able to resist those cardinals when they flower. :-D
What a great idea! I just saw the very same basket planter at the greenhouse...maybe that's what I'll do with my extra Cardinal Climbers. Hope you don't mind if I steal your idea Anna!
Netty, I kind of stole it myself so pleased feel free to make one too! Eileen, I have to wonder if some hummers are making it to my feeder because I know something is...most of the time I think it is ants and wasps, but I hope that one day I'll catch the elusive hummers having a sip!
I sat on my porch quietly with my camera in hand just waiting to catch one at the feeder. Little buggers are quick! They heard the zoom of the lens and they were gone like a shot! I am determined to get a picture before the summer is over!
I used to have a female and a male that would visit. They'd chase other hummingbirds away and sometimes they'd buzz me...chittering as they flew away. The feeder was right over my kitchen window and they would let me take pictures through the glass. We moved a few miles away and I have yet to get any to come around. There are a lot of flowering plants around here so I think it is going to take something pretty spectacular to bring them in to my feeder.
Thanks for the Idea..... Think I will try one ..I think I have the seeds. Looks so sweet....... Thanks for sharing and caring.. b
My seeds sprouted today and I went ahead and got them into the basket...now it just needs to GROW! I thought it was a cute idea, and EASY to recreate! :smile:
basket Might do mine today..After the morning shopping. It dropped to 40 this morning after a few days of 80.. friday they say is 89 .......That is unusual in Pennsylvania.. Then back to our lovely 70's. The best,........ :-o
birds I would love to have humming birds in my garden. I`ve had blue tits, coal tits, great tits, long tailed tits, robins, wrens, green finches, mistle thrushes, song thrushes, black birds, sparrows, dunnocks, starlings, pigeons, a heron.. nothing as exotic as a humminbird.
daff, most of your birds are pretty exotic to me! :-D I DO have titMICE that visit, though. They are soooo cute!