In the front courtyard, things are fairly organized. I rely on potted plants for summer interest, they've got a lot of growing to do, :-D but it's a start. And more potted plants, this time at the top of the drive, along the south wall of the house, beside my potting shed. It still looks pretty neat and tidy. :-D But, in the back yard . . . . . . I've lost all control, it's a jungle back there. Stokesia, Lemon Lilies, Pentas, Gaura and Hymenocallis battling for space in front of the glasshouse I tend to throw everything in together, wherever there is a space, the strong will survive.
I did enjoy the tour.Your garden is just wonderful.I love your pot plants so many different one and just so gorgeous.
Now that was a lovely relaxing walk with you around your garden. So much to see that I think I may have another little wander there again soon.
The pots out front are very pretty, but I love the jungle look of the backyard best. You have done so much work out there to make it look very inviting for a stroll or a sit down.
Awesomely wonderous and lovely ZZP, of course, I have to ask what is the purple daylily in the last picture.
Thanks to you all, I appreciate your very kind words. Toni ~ Out front, I try to maintain an illusion of decorum for the neighbors, but I like the back best, too. Hank ~ pull up a chair, there are a couple right behind you, there beside the pond. Now what can I get you? Iced tea or a frosty brew?? Sharon ~ I wish I knew the name of that Daylily, Netty thought it might be "Midnight Magic" and Courtney suggested Black Emanuele" as a possibility. I looked them both up, but I'm still not sure. This Daylily looks different, depending on the light. This photo was taken on a cloudy, rainy day and this one was taken on a glaringly bright day. 8)
Wow, what a lovely garden. The day lily is great, do you know its name and I would love to see if we can buy this in the UK. Also, the blue flowers by the playing frogs.