I've been trying to get a good picture of one or more of the Eagles that reside here, but they have been dodging my camera rather well. So, I went to their nest, on the road into out area, and took these. Unfortunately my zoom is lacking. And from a distance this is the best I could do. There is a Mom and Pop, and at least one maybe 2 babies. They are out over the lake frequently hunting for food, or perched high in a pine tree along the shore. It's just a matter of having the camera ready at the right time. Tom
Supposedly we have eagles around here, but I've never seen one. That is neat to be able to see them so often. Are they really big that you notice them over the other birds? I can see the eagle in the first pic, can you direct my eyes to the second?
Ahhh, I love the eagles. We recently moved near a river, and they congregate above the dam in springtime. And yes, they are big. Wingspan wider than you can reach and very strong looking. We were coming back from the recycle center one morning and there was one on the road in from of us. He stayed there until we were within 30 ft., then lifted off and flew just above the road for a ways. It was quite magnificent.
I think you did extremely well to get as good photographs as you did of the eagle. I especially like the first one as you can see the adult quite clearly. Well done!!! :-D
Wow! I've always wanted to watch Bald Eagles...they are so magnificent! I thought I saw one in my area last year but I didn't think they came this far north.
I haven't seen bald eagles here, but we do have golden eagles and sometimes they close off access to Lynx Lake where they nest in spring so they can hatch their eggs in peace. Dooley
I love bald eagles! Theres a pair that live on the lake where the camp my son works at is, and every morning the male can be seen out hunting. Very worth it for any camper who gets up early enough! They really aren't people-shy 'tall.
Chitweed, In the first picture I think I can spot 2. The first is rather clear, and the second is in the branches to the right. There nest extends about as far to the other side of the trunk as the Eagle is to the left of it. The second Eagle is smaller and to the right of the trunk. On the second picture, at the bottom, just to the right of center, there is a tree trunk. Follow that trunk up, and near the top, there is a gray-brown area. That is the nest, and to the left side of the nest, is the Eagle. They are quite large when you get up close, a large one can have a 6 foot wing span, and if you can be near when one flies past, you can hear the power in their wings as they beat against the air. We love them, and dislike them at the same time, because they occasionally will take a Loon, and we all love the Loons. I'll relate an incident in my blog, that occurred last fall about Loons and an Eagle. Tom