I saved a red hibiscus that my mom let drown last year. I brought it back, its growing great. The leaves are beautiful but now blooms. I covered the top of the soil with some used coffee grounds. I water it about every other day. Any suggestions on why it has no blooms? Michael
They are normally mid to late summer bloomers, so this might be a little early to expect blooms especially in Delaware. Be sure they have all day sun too. Is it a Tropical or Hardy Hibiscus...Tropical ones have glossy deep green leaves where the Hardy type have dull green ones. My Hardy's have started blooming profusely but they have also been growing since late January.
virgo, being a tropical it is used to sunny spots, warm days and nights and high humidity. I think your area has had some hot days, but a tropical plant needs more than some so it will probably later this summer before you see blooms.
I'm having the same problem with mine. I've had a few blooms on 2 plants a lot on 1 other. The rest of the Hibiscus bushes (5) haven't bloom yet :-? . I give mine coffee grounds and left over coffee. Putting Mir-grow may help mmmm I'll do it tomorrow.
Fertilize them with Mir-acid. They like the acid (is that what coffee grounds do?). Mine do well with the miracid, and I keep them out of the sun, as it seems like the leaves tend to burn. I also give mine a good pruning once a year as it gets leggy.
Hibiscus do like fertilizer and lots of sun in my experience. By the way, Welcome from a fellow Delawarean.
I would much rather have a Hardy Hibiscus, not fussy. Mine usually gets about 6 hours of sun a day, most of that being afternoon until about 5 pm. One of the advantages of living on what used to be a cotton farm is that the soil is extremely fertile. I don't trim it back, it will rebloom all summer and then dies back to the ground with the first cold temps. The close up one is white, the red is the one with the 'funny'leaves. :-D