What are you guys using for your hanging plants? The hooks on my baskets are to big to fit into the ceiling hooks. I've tried cutting down the basket hook but thats harder than it sounds and not really pretty when I'm through. Thanks for any trade secrets.
No real trade secrets to what I do Teddy. I simply buy large, brass, screw-in cup hooks and hang the plants from them. :-D
Yup, I just use what's easily available in the hardware department, too. If the plastic hook on the pot is too big for my ceiling cup hook, I just usea simple "s-hook" placed between them.
Snap again Zuzu - only we call them butchers hooks!!! Brilliant invention for we gardeners aren't they?!!!
Aha, "butchers hooks" yep, that's a great name for 'em! The best thing since sliced bread, aren't they?
The pots I bought for hanging had plastic side hooks and they snapped off :-x . Came up with some ideas yesterday. Punched holes in the side of the pot (about a inch down). Used colored wire, shoe laces, and also used hair piece that are no longer being used. So that fixed 3 pots and there all different I like to make my own so I can pick the height I want . Hope this helps.
Don't I feel like a dork for not looking right in front of my nose. I even have 's' hooks in the shed just never thought to use them. I did think of buying bigger hooks but the store only had one size. We live in the walmart triangle, it takes 1.5 hrs to get to one weather you go N, S, or E. I still haven't found any peatmoss for my monster. I'm going to have to plan a shopping trip. Gizmo I would really like to see yours they sound really neat.