Frank, I think there is an underground (or above ground) movement, the pink Flamingos are getting together to organize an assalt on the Gnomes.
What a fantastic photograph. I can hardly imagine looking out of my window and seeing all those pink flamingoes though!! Although after a few beers Ian might just see pink elephants. LOL
Looks like they are building up a good defense on that lawn, that's going to be a hard one for a gnome to set up shop on. We'll wait to see who throws the frst stone
Well, most gnomes are pretty tough. It is pretty easy to pull those legs off of the flamingos leaving them stranded. I'm sure the gnomes won't have a problem. Dooley
I once read that there are more pink flamingos in Wisconsin than Florida. Almost every cabin on every lake has one or two. Maybe even more popular than gnomes....
I think that pink flamingos are extinct in Ontario...haven't seen any for years. Perhaps the gnomes have taken over.
This is funny. I am a fan of pink flamingos I have 2. I don't think anyone else around here likes them though. They are semi hidden in the jungle part of my yard. They are fading though and I haven't been able to find new ones so I guess I will paint them. I Saw a 6 foot tall one made of junkyard parts, that was adorable, at a craft sale I used to attend.The body was made of a motorcycle gas tank. Anyway, not to offend any gnomes or gnome lover, I vote for the flamingoes!(Maybe because I am bird lover)