A couple of years ago I found some beautiful "pond plants" in my father-in-law's pond in Oklahoma. I didn't know what they were till I did some research. Now I have forgotten the official name of the variety, but they are lotus. I harvested some seed pods, brought them home to Az and was all excited to grow some in my pond. I also did some research on planting the seeds and nicked the edge of the seed like it said to do. I have yet to get even one to sprout. The flower is yellow and about 9 inches across..really pretty. Any help would be appreciated. I appologise if the information is already here somewhere and I just haven't found it yet. Thanks and have a wonderful day! desertflower
They sound beautiful desertflower. A few questions/suggestions: - How far are you cutting into the seed to expose the inner part? Too far would be a bad idea. - How wide is the cut? - I've read the seeds must be soaked in water at a temperature with 77 - 80 deg F. Hope this helps, it would be shame if you were not able to get them to germinate.
thank you As I understood it, you just nick the outer covering and not damage the inside. I did soak them but don't remember how long or what temp. If I ever make it back the the pond, I will climb in and get some roots or tubers or whatever they have and try it that way.