I was with my young neices and nephews last week and these were some of the jokes they told me. What do you call a fairy who doesn't take a bath? . Stinkerbell. Why was the obtuse angle upset? . Because he was never right. When does it rain money? . When there is a change in the weather. and my personal favorite... What is brown and sticky? . . . . a stick Ahhh..I love those kids.
Those are what I miss now that my kids have all grown up!! Wish I could remember some of the jokes they told me when they were little.
Don't you love how kids can laugh at nothing, but when that try to be funny it's even better! Don't forget: What's black, white, and red all over? a newspaper...ha ha
I just read those jokes to my kids Chitweed! They thought that the first one was hilarious!! They'll be telling that joke to everyone they see this weekend.
My four year old loves to make up jokes He's actually gotten really good at remembering jokes and telling them too. His current favorite is: How does an elephant hide in a cherry tree? He paints is toenails red. Ever see an elephant in a cherry tree? See, it works