This was on my zinnias a bit ago. My camera was dead but I used my cell phone... :-D I don't know butterflies at all so someone will have to tell folks what this is. :-D
It's a Tiger Swallowtail and from the amount of blue on the hindwing it appears to be a female. The larvae is brown with a white splotch and looks like bird poop. The mature caterpillar is green, with yellow eye spots. Keep you eye out for them, you may find more in a few weeks.
Thanks toni, That is what I told my mom I thought it was but don't have the sightest idea why. It was huge and there are not very many butterflies around here for some reason. I have a lot of flowers and I guess this stray liked them. I was so excited because it is a rare sight here. Thanks for the info..will keep my eyes open for larva and cats.
What a lovley photograph!! Most cell 'phone pics lose a lot of definition but certainly not your one. Well done in capturing your swallowtail. :-D
Wonderful butterfly.Zinnias are one of the best butterfly attractors in my yard but I do have others they just seem to favor zennias. Thanks for the womderful picture.
Frank it was the largest butterfly I have ever seen. Maybe not as large as the photo makes her look but about 5 inches at the widest point! My sister just sent me an email asking "how big is that thing it looks two feet across"
Wow...what a picture.... with a cell phone, no less! The Swallowtails love Zinnia as everyone has said and also in my garden Joe-Pye-Weed. I checked and in Arizona, there is only the spotted Joe-Pye Weed, but not in all parts of AZ. The host plants for the Western Tiger Swallowtail are Aspen, Poplar, Willow, Alder and Ash Trees. I have raised Black Swallowtails with Rue plants and Parsley here in Minnesota. It is very interesting!! Karen
Thanks. I made this picture into my desktop and it didn't lose any resolution. I guess my phone has a pretty good camera!
That is a beautiful butterfly! I love it when they come in my yard. Congrats on catching that shot. 8)
Thank you! believe it or not, this is the only butterfly I have seen this year. Haven't seen one since.