Someone gave my son two guitars they no longer wanted. One was a very nice Fender but had been patched on the back. It still sounded great and since no one here plays the guitar and we alredy have one, I sold it to friend of mine who was looking for this exact guitar for her son. Since the patch was very noticable I offered to paint on it to disguise the patch a little. This is how it turned out... Keep in mind we live in the desert. You can still see the patch but not as obvious.
Who'd want to even think of looking for a patch with a beautiful painting like that!!! What a wonderful way to hide a botched repair job.!!!
I'll remember that the next time I hear of a broken guitar (crosses fingers and hopes it won't be mine). I bet Johnny Cash would be drooling over it, I know I am.
I didn't know you were such talented painter too DF. I'd love to see a closer view to get an eyeful of the details. *claps hands in appreciation*
Thanks, you guys are too kind. I am going to be doing some more painting soon and will hopefully get a better shot so you can get an eye full of detail Frank lol. I will paint on just about anything. One of my favorite canvas was ostrich eggs. I still have 5 left to paint on. Right now tho, I am trying to make a diaper bag for my first Grandbaby!! Due Oct 3rd.
I am looking forward to seeing your guitar and next project close-up. And your ostrich-eggs, too, pretty please?