Who are you?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Droopy, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    What makes you tick? What are your special personal traits? Which would you gladly do without?

    When I read the posts I find us all very different, not only regarding where we live, but also in how we think and act.

    Then I started wondering about who I am, and what makes me me. My interests, dislikes, wiews of the world and of my fellow human beings.

    Is it a good idea to have a little depth introduction here, or not?
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  3. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    :oops: I forgot to post mine...

    - My brain is teflone coated. Nothing sticks!

    - I'm a woman with little interest in clothes, make-up and general fashion. Hence I shop timeless quality, or at least that's what the shop people tell me. My daugthers say I'm boring!

    - I love tools, especially drills! I've got at least four, and a chain saw, jigsaw, sledgehammer, screw driver set, grinder and some other odds and ends.

    - I do not like to cook, but I like to bake. My husband cooks. He loves it. Good for me!

    - I like knitting, crocheting, decoupage and jewellery making. In winter, mind. Summertime is all about gardening.

    - I love animals, all kinds, but not so much that I can't put them down if I have to.

    - I like grouse hunting, mushroom- and berry-picking. My husband likes to make wine from the berries.

    - I prefer riding to any other type of exercise, and I loathe training studios.

    - I am never envious of anyone. I reckon they deserve what they have.

    - I love reading, anything from Barbara Cartland to Homer.

    - I'm an anxious person, too worried about what others might think and mean.

    - I am very patient, and much too kind-hearted. I cry too easily and have stopped watching the news on TV. I prefer reading about it, it's not as heart-breaking.

    - I teach my children to meet all people with respect and an open mind. Once you get to know a person, you can decide whether you like him or not.

    - I admire people who spend their lives fighting for a better world in helping those less fortunate than ourselves, but I am too much of a coward to join the Medecins sans Frontieres myself.
  4. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Ahhh, now I have an idea of what you have in mind.

    -I have little interest in clothes either. I do most of my clothes shopping at thrift stores where I find the almost floor length skirts I love and I very seldom spend more than $10 for any one item.

    -I do not like to cook. I do so out of self defense since my husband learned the "when the smoke alarm goes off, supper is ready" type of cooking from his Dad. I do like to bake, but only in winter.

    -I am not as outspoken as I wish I was sometimes. But being a Texan born and raised I will get my hackles up if someone starts making fun of us.

    -I am not interested in sports, but I love NASCAR and my favorite driver is #55, Michael Waltrip.

    -Knitting, reading, candle and soap making are my interests when I can't be out gardening.

    -I have spent most of my life worrying about what others think about the way I look or act. But as I get older, I find I care less and less about that.

    -I am opinionated (what, who me? :eek: ) and most everyone else I know is too. I don't mind discussing things but heaven help you if you try to convert me to your way of thinking or tell me I am wrong to believe the way I do. :-D

    -I am a Taurus, so being stubborn comes naturally to me and I am very good at it after 61 years of practice.
  5. desertflower

    desertflower Seedling

    Jun 26, 2007
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    This is interesting Droopy. I haven't thought about us all being so different as I noticed how much we all had in common. But I guess on a more personal level we are all probably very different. I will post "me" shortly-

  6. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    I'm a hard person to describe.I am generous to a fault.Have a heart as big as Dallas.I have so many bad points too.I hate to have first impressions as they are usually right in the end.
    I am very critical of myself and I like Tony hate being made fun of for being a Texan.I love our state.
    I am a home body and love plants but can only remember the common names.I hate my forgetfulness but do forget lots but always have.I smile lots and laugh often.I get very angry at cruelty to others are animals.I hate house cleaning but can work hours outdoors.I can be taken for granite and used so easy .I seem to be very gulliable to a fault.
    I never meet a stranger and love to talk.I make friends easy with most people.
  7. desertflower

    desertflower Seedling

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Ok this is me in a nutshell.........Well, maybe a big nutshell

    I am an honest, outspoken, friendly person. I will talk to (almost) anyone about (almost) anything.

    -I love... my family unconditionally, babies, all kinds of babies, animals, helping people learn to help themselves, good surprises, sunsets, peaceful places, a good joke, and junk and of course Lexxi's writing skills

    -My hobbies and interests....Painting, sewing, woodworking, all kinds of crafts, reading, gardening/landscaping,computer games, Gardenstew!,

    -What I don't like....Rudeness, mean people, arrogance, lying, cheating, stealing, backstabbing, gossip, manipulative or conceited people, dishonesty and people telling you what they think you want to hear instead of what they really mean, judgemental people

    Things I have changed about myself...I used to be painfully shy, now I barely remember what it was like, I have conquered anxiety and worrying, I have gained control of my emotions and reactions

    Things I like about myself...I have never cared what others think of me, the ability to "read people" and related accordingly, my intuitive skills, I am not judgemental, fearing almost nothing (I don't swim so I am afraid of being in deep water) I choose my battles wisely, Very forgiving and do not hold grudges, I am pretty good at what ever I do, I do not equate my self-worth with what I have, others opinions, or my abilities

    What I don't like about me...highly disorganized, master procrastinator, I don't like being disabled and limited on what I have strenth and energy to do, I don't understand written directions very well, I sometimes do really dumb things that don't seem dumb till I've done them, I am very forgetful, I love junk and probably have collected too much and still collecting (but it is so hard to quit)

    One more thing, I will put up with a lot from my friends or people in general but when I reach the breaking point I am done with them. Takes longer for some to get to me but when I am done, I am done!
  8. TheBip

    TheBip Young Pine

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Columbus, IN zone 6a
    I find it hard to describe myself sometimes, cause Im full of contradictions XD :) I love telling people about myself though :D

    I love to read, but I did very poorly in school. I prefer novels to textbooks :)

    I love listening to music, but only certain songs at certain times. Im very picky :)

    I like comfortable clothes, and I do like to look good, but fashion is -not- my top priority.

    I love animals, but Im not (very) opposed to hunting (I went bird hunting earlier this year. Didnt get anything tho). I dont like hunting for sport, however. If youre gonna hunt, use the whole animal!

    Sometimes Im a blabber mouth, then all of a sudden Ill get tired of talking and will shut up for minutes at a time XD

    I have little patience with certain things, and lots of patience with others. I cant -stand- slow drivers! I want to beat em up *lol* But I can wait for an animal to come to me if its nervous, then I can stay fairly still for hours on end :)

    I have a low pain threshold, but I dont complain (much) when I am in pain. So I could have my leg hanging on by a thread and wanting to strangle someone because it hurts so bad, but Id hardly make a sound o_O (Kinda like a man! *lol*)

    As for my physical appearance, sometimes I think I look gorgeous, and then the next minute I think I look hideous o_O So I try to get gorgeous again *rotfl*

    Some people might think that I dont give a dang about some things (like with my mom and me and my money problems), just cause I dont fret aloud, but I do worry. You just cant see it :)

    I used to be awfully shy, especially in school, but Im a lot better now. I think its the Prozac :D When I first meet someone, Im very shy, but after awhile, I loosen up and become kind of a clown (I try to keep it toned down though, cause nobody likes someone who doesnt know when to quit) *lol*

    I love baking, but I hate cooking. I -can- cook, I just dont like to ;)

    My hobbies are reading, music, playing computer games, bellydancing, tarot, gardening (duh), lazing around, putting together "Assembly Required" things, fixing electronics (Dont know how, but Ive managed to get a few things working by sheer luck) :D
  9. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I have little or no interest in shopping for clothes and don't care what I wear as long as it's trousers and a top!! I don't wear make-up or even visit a hairdresser - Laura cuts my hair.

    I love all DIY and tools especially saws and drills and, of course, all gardening tools. :-D

    I don't enjoy cooking but I do bake and make sweets. I also decorate cakes. Ian is a good cook and does all the 'fancy' stuff' I just stick to the plain everyday things.

    I love animals and have rescued quite a few in my time and been able to return them to the wild. Having been a veterinary nurse certainly helps a lot.

    I can knit but have no patience for it so prefer to sew. I used to make jewelry but lost my supplier for all the 'bits.' I love to read and do puzzles but much prefer to be outdoors. I also like to sketch, if and when, the inclination takes me. I'm fscinated by the English language and love to play with words.

    I used to love riding but can no longer do it because of arthritis and replacement knees. :(

    I'm stubborn, quite often impatient and I tend to moan if things don't go my way. However, I'd give my last penny away without a second thought and am loyal to my friends. I have a true redheads temper but it rarely surfaces unless someone pushes me too far. I'm told I have a good sense of humour.

    I like my home to be clean and tidy but hate being the one to have to do it. :rolleyes:

    I'm proud of my children as they have grown up into the kind of adults I hoped they would without prejudices of any kind.
  10. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    You are absolutely right, desterflower, we have so much in common! It's good to see that even if our personal view of things are far from each other, we still unite in what we like to do.

    There's still hope for mankind. :)
  11. Pianolady

    Pianolady In Flower

    May 2, 2006
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    Some of these might sound negative, but they're really not.

    --I'm very quiet, if I don't have something useful to say, I don't say anything.
    --If you need something DONE, I'm the person for the job. If you need someone to lead others to get something done, I'm not the person you are looking for the job.
    --I'm big on personal responsibility for one's actions.
    --My mind has to be occupied 100% of the time with something.
    --I don't sit still very long.
    --Once I commit to something, I follow it through. Family, job, anything. I "just say no" to anything where I don't have a commitment to the cause.
    --I am not big into being politically correct, I tend to tell it like it is.
    --I never, ever serve on any boards, committees or like activities, as I'm not a very good bureaucrat (see above reasons! LOL).
    --I'm very creative, musical, artistic, and a life-long student. If I don't know how to do something, I'd rather learn how than hire someone else to do it. Better investment of my money! Piano tuning is an example of this, I save $75-100 each time I tune my own piano.
  12. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    I see bits of me in all the posts so far...
    -Like Droopy, I'm a woman with little interest in clothes, make-up and general fashion. My daugther say's I'm boring and need a make over. I'd rather be comfortable than in fashion.
    -I love tools and being able to do things myself. I find it a challenge when someone thinks I can't do something and try that much harder so I can prove them wrong.
    -I hate to cook in the summer when I'm working, but I love to cook and bake in the winter when I'm home. I have the best fed family in the world in the winter!
    -I love animals of all kinds
    -I love to read and would rather read something I can learn from than a novel.
    -Sometimes I have the patience of a saint, mainly where my kids are concerned.
    -When I can't be gardening, I like to redecorate or work on my family tree.
    -I am a home body and would rather be home than anywhere else in the world.
    -I can hold a grudge for a really L O N G time!
    -I usually have excellent first impressions.
    -I NEED routine!
    -I usually hate change unless it's MY idea LOL
  13. lexxivexx

    lexxivexx In Flower

    Aug 5, 2007
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    The Willamette Valley, Oregon
    I think of everything in epic proportions. Hunter S.T. is one of my favorite writers, because even aquiring a press pass became a tragedy, comedy and exaggerated observation of human behavior worth writing an entire article about. My imagination runs wild, for better or worse.

    As a kid, my twin and I used to hate being so sensitive. We'd seriously burst into tears if someone else got teased. Later on we agreed that, although we feel pain perhaps *a little* more intensely than others, same goes for joy, laughter, love...

    I'm a big dreamer and try to be a big do-er. Stress and my inability to handle it sometimes keeps me from enjoying this. I aim to please everyone, especially my family, to a fault.

    A typical gig entails: making an new outfit, styling my hair (cutting and coloring if need be), makeup (and I mean the whole nine yards, false eyelashes and all), a complete meltdown (usually involving hairspray shortages and lost hoisery), re-building of shattered confidence, maybe a good cry and it usually goes off way too smoothly for this much trouble. I'm actually a closet shy person and it's mostly stage-fright that gets me worked up. :)

    At home I enjoy my cats, Robbie, my garden, making a little art of some sort and a good book. No makeup, no hair, ratty t-shirts and long skirts.

    That was long-winded.
  14. SusieQ

    SusieQ Seedling

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Florida USA
    I also see that while we are all different we are also very similar. As a girl, being tall and stronger for my age, I somehow ended up taking on the bullies of the my world, even for my brother 5 years older than me, I fought his battles too. I love animals of all kinds and like some people, as animals, I trust to not hurt my heart, people not always!. My friends would say, I'm loyal, and truthful, even if it hurts. I come from talented parents and so, I have talent from both in, decorating,cooking, landscaping, crafts, I read many novels and discovered, I also can write, started with a novel 237 pgs. of all things, and wrote 5 stories for children ( have no desire to be published at this age) I'm strong willed and if I make a commitment, I stick to it, I met the man I later married (after graduation) at 13 years old he was 19 (yep ,I said 19), and we are married 45 years, he will always be the only man in my life, I know this to be true. We have no children and so far we like it this way...When we said "grow old together" we meant it!
  15. MPhotos

    MPhotos Seedling

    Jun 11, 2007
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    South Carolina
    - I am easy to get along with but stand offish also.
    - I am not one to say the first word.
    - I dont like to many sports but I am crazy about Paintball.
    - I am a die hard photography nut.
    - I have a selective memory.
    - I love nature.
    - I am learing German.
    - I am shy around girls (I admit it)
    - I am a senior in High School.
  16. bethie

    bethie Young Pine

    Jun 8, 2006
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    Yes, this is interesting. S0- I am not interested in fashion but am reasonably well dressed. I do not wear pants or shorts. I do love to wear makeup, probably stems from my Catholic School background. :) I lead a very quiet life and am not out and about very much. Some people tell my husband they don't believe I exist because they have never met me. :!: I am not very social and would as soon read a book as have a conversation. My family is on the intellectual side. :rolleyes: I love animals and try to do right by the ones I have. Hubby and I have been together for 34 years and love to hike and canoe. We love Nature. We love art and music. I love to cook, even things I don't eat. I am always in the middle of some art project with ten others waiting. I do NOT care excessively what other people think of me. I apolitical. My family was WEIRD and I am also. :-D

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