Something I've always wanted to do (along with learning a second language) is to learn to play a musical instrument. I went through my teenager-guitar stage so I have an understanding of how it all works but can I play you a whole tune - not a chance Do you play an instrument?
I once took piano lessons at school but the teacher kept rapping my knuckles with a ruler if I made a mistake. Needless to say I still can't play the piano. I did play the recorder in the school orchestra but have forgotten everything I was taught all those years ago.
I learned to play the Zither in elementary school and took piano lessons for about 6 months. Being excessively shy at the age of 10, I hated the recitals but the teacher wouldn't let me continue with lessons without taking part in the recitals, so I stopped taking them.
I used to play the trumpet, can still do the scales on one, but can unfortunately not make a clear note anymore. I also know how to play the childrens' flutes - you know the ones they play at school, with the horrible, whining sound? My husband is pretty good with the organ, so I leave music making to him.
I (sort of) play the autoharp, and am pretty good on a nose-flute. Other than that, just the 'instrument' of voice. ;-) I once took some guitar lessons but have completely forgotten the fingering of the chords now. My grandma promised me piano lessons, but I never did get them because we moved too far away from her. Oh well!
I played the recorder in school too! Then I took organ lessons with my family when I was about 12. I can still play that and a little bit of piano. I played the French Horn in high school. A few years ago I taught myself how to play the guitar. I haven't played any of those things in years! Who has time? LOL
I played the clarinet in the school band.Anything else I "played" around with but never did do much. Wannabe
I don't and I don't think my kids can. Well, maybe Dan can a bit. Brian played violin in school but messes with keyboard and that organ now. My granddaughter plays flute in the school band and got a keyboard for Christmas. Jacob wants to take piano lessons. He just started kindergarten My youngest sister has three boys who all play in marching bands. Music skipped me altogether. dooley
no i can not play any thing my dad played the piano by ear and my mother sang and now i have just started singing country and western
I come from a musical family background, so we all play many instruments! My hubby used to be a band director. Luckily, the kids have continued this tradition, and each plays several instruments. My son is an all-state trumpeter & bass guitar/some piano, and daughter is a voice/piano/trombone person. Hubby is low brass & clarinet/voice. My list would be: piano, organ, saxophone, a little flute (from jazz band/saxes have to play flute too). It's a good thing we love music, as we stink at sports!