Hello all, I live in Southwestern Ontario Canada, and have gardened all my adult life. We've recently moved to a condominium so my garden is much, much smaller. I noticed a post from someone asking about using gourds. My husband and I are gourd artists, and travel all over the states to gourd shows. If anyone has any questions just email me. I'm still not sure about your forum's rules so I don't want to give websites to gourd shows online, in case that violates the rules, but there are groups all over North America. I don't think hard shelled gourds grow well in Europe, but I'd been interested in hearing about them. Catherine
Hi Catherine and a warm welcome to GardenStew from beautiful Sweden. If you want to post links to useful gourd websites you may do so here: http://www.gardenstew.com/about7195.html Would love to hear more about your gourd skills or if you can post photos of your work that would be great Also don't miss our blogs, member map and calendar. // Frank
Hi Catherine, welcome to the Stew from north Texas. I have made a few birdhouses from gourds and have a couple of small bushel gourds I am hoping to try my hand at painting this winter. We would love to see pictures of your artwork and your garden.
adding photos to replies SIGH..I don't have a clue how to use this site yet. It isn't the same as my other groups, so it will take me a while to figure out how to answer people, and add photos. As well, there will be a question in one forum and answers appear on other forums where the topic continues. I'm so confused. Catherine
http://www.gardenstew.com/about4115.html This will take you to the topic with really good instructions for posting pictures. Which question did you find that was asked in one forum and answered in another, there maybe some crossover.
Welcome Catherine, from Norway. My mother tried growing gourds one fine summer a long time ago, and managed to bring forth two very small gourds. She was mighty proud, I tell you! Looking forward to your gourds.
Hi Catherine Welcome to Garden Stew from the south eastern shores of Lake Simcoe! Nice to see another Ontario gardener join us!
Hello there Catherine and a warm welcome to our forums from a rather cold Scotland. Feel free to ask as many qestions as you like about anything you're not sure of as we love to help each other out. Looking forward to hearing more about your gourd art, your garden and, of course, yourself. :-D
Hello Netty Lake Simcoe? How nice in the summer. Maybe you could make it to our gourd festival in Toronto in November. Thanks for the welcome everyone. My what a diverse group. Catherine
gourds in NZ Hi Skud, I know that gourds grow in NZ, because one of our chatline members lives there. There's a gourd society in Australia, which is fairly new. There is also a gourd society in Hawaii and their show is in January. If you need to get seeds, I can ask our members where they get theirs. I know that shipping seeds in to you would be very difficult. Catherine