Hi, I'm not sure how I found this forum but I was searching for something and came across it and was intrigued. I've noticed a few SNs that I recognize already from being a garden blogger or posting elsewhere. Anyway I'm a gardening and photo enthusiast that keeps a blog about my interests in both of those subjects.
Welcome from wet Western Washington! Good to have you here! I'm not on any other forums, but this is really a great one, saved me from killing several plants, lol!
Hi Mr.BrownThumb, welcome to the Stew from north Texas. Doesn't really matter how you got here just as long as you got here and we are glad you did. Any pictures you would like to share would be appreciated....plants, gardens, pets.
Welcome to GardenStew Mr BrownThumb - glad to have you here with us. I hope you'll be able to give us lots of good advice and answers to our questions.
Welcome MrBrownThumb, from the norwegian artic. There are alot of great people here who know their stuff, sorry but i'm not one of them. I am still learning myself. So grab a cup of coffee or tea an enjoy the forums,,,,
Hi MrBrownThumb and welcome to GardenStew, lots of fantastic folk here. Gardening and photography of such are mighty popular around here as you probably have noticed.
LOL. I didn't expect for there to me so many replies to the post already. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. re: pics I do have a lot of them but after editing them to put on my gardening blog I hardly ever go through the trouble to edit any to just "share" though I'll be doing that this winter. I have a few pics on flickr my SN there is the same as here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrbrownthumb/ There is also a Picasa Web Album for my blog. It holds all of the pics that are uploaded to my blog. Most of those I've taken and are part of a blog entry or another. http://picasaweb.google.com/mrbrownthumb/MrBrownThumb I'll add more to flickr later this winter when there isn't much else to do so if you're on flickr feel free to add me.
A warm welcome to you MrBrownThumb from sunny SOuth Africa. I know Chicago is the supposed Windy City, but right now I think Cape Town can compare with Chicago because she is living up to her name "Cape of Storms". Regardless of how you got to this forum, I am sure you will find that is is major fun to Stew with the Stewbies here.