Each year we try to catch one of them at the perfect time, but I think hubby finally did it this year! LOL
Wow what a wonderful picture !!!! The hummer is so clean and the framing with the fence and trumpet vine is wonderful.
I love it...I have been trying when they are here in the summer but nothing as good as yours...Good work.
That is an amazing photo Pianolady! I tried (in vain!) to get a single shot of my Hummers this year. They are so quick! That is also a beautiful Trumpet Vine.
Great Piccie!!!! I love seeing photographs of hummingbirds. Maybe someday I'll actually get to see one 'in the flesh' for myself.
Thats a wonderful shot of the hummingbird. They're very quick and usually hard to capture for pictures. Your trumpet vine is very pretty.
What an absolutely perfect picture Pianolady.I love your trumpet vinetoo. I think the hummer does too.
Simply stunning Quite an achievement to shoot such a picture Pianolady. THat trumpet vine which the humming bird is visiting is beautiful.
Thanks all (on his behalf)! His obsession to get the perfect pic has proved we MUST upgrade to a digital SLR camera someday, LOL. All those rolls of film.....Ugh.