Always Wear your Seat Belts

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Biita, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Geeez I sound like a Public Service Announcement, but seriously, please don't drive without buckling up first.

    Kolbjørn went to work as usual yesterday morning. We have a smaller mountain that sits behind us, i call her the lady. Well yesterday she must of had PMS or was just cranky. KB hit some black ice an spun around bouncing into the side of her, which bounced him to the other side of the road, an plunged him rolling over and over again the edge, and down a small part of the mountain, into the marshes an frozen waters there. Thankfully everything is frozen solid. Some of those marshes have no bottoms. Here the company car had studs on it but they were worn down to almost nothing. He said all he can really remember was watching his coffee cup just bounce all over the car. If it hadn't been for his seat belt, he would of been seriously hurt or dead. Instead of this, Thankfully, he walked away from the crash, with no injuries (checked by the hospitol ofcourse) an actually went back to work today with a new car, an FULL STUDS.

    I have no pics of the car, but he said the front wheels where gone, the roof looked like someone pounded waves into it, the back of it was totally smashed down to the fender. The front wind shield never even got a crack, but all the other windows were blown out or smashed down.

    So remember to always, always buckle up, it really can save your life.

    Anyone have simular experiences?
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Oh thank goodness Kolbjørn is alright Biita!!! :eek: He must have had a heck of a fright though to find himself in the car tumbling down a mountainside!!
    We always wear our seat belts, not just because it's the law, but because without them you are just so vulnerable when an accident occurs.
  4. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    That was a close one Biita, do thank Kolbjørn for reminding us why everyone should wear their seat belt. And also that they should pester anyone who doesn't until they finally do. In fact flat out refuse anyone to ride in your car unless they strap up, that's the best policy.
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Goodness gracious sakes alive, Biita. I started reading that and had to skip to the end to make sure you were going to tell us he HAD been wearing his seat belt. Goodness I am very glad to was. He will probably be very sore for a few days even tho no bones were broken.

    Thru most of Amanda's school years, the two girls next door rode to school and back home with us and they learned very quickly that the car didn't move until I heard all seat belts click.

  6. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    That must have been terrifying! I'm so glad he is OK.
    My car doesn't move until I hear the "clicks" either.
  7. petunia

    petunia Young Pine

    May 13, 2006
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    northern michigan
    I know that had to be scary. Thank goodness everything turned out alright.
    Its been a year now when my son (a new driver) got into a an accident and rolled his car over into a ditch. He had 3 other passengers inside. totaled the car completly. One girl went to the hospital for stitches. A sky window on top of car came out and had hit the girl on the head. other then that everyone was o.k. (except for mom) I totally freak out when I seen the car, it was really messed up.
    Now that winter is here I worry about them (my kids) driving and remind them to drive slow and safe. I'm not ready to loose them yet.
    So Im very happy also, everything turned out o.k. Biita. It is a nice reminder for everyone to Buckle up and be safe.
  8. dirt2diamonds

    dirt2diamonds In Flower

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Sorry to hear of your scare. But it is a must in my family of five and if you ride with me you will buckle up or I won't drive. If you are in my car I love you and I show it by demanding that you buckle up. Old young male female you are valuable to me while you are in and out of my presence.

    People sigh at me with irritation, but I don't care. I am serious about seat belts too. Thanks for the reminder during the holidays. Last year in Nov. we lost a young (26) cousin , mother of three young adorable kids, while she was on her way to church (where we were waiting for her) to be with us to celebrate her youngest son's birthday. (she had left them with her mother the day before to go back to her home to get the b-day-cake to surprise him 3 yrs old). She never made it to the church. We were called to the accident cite less than 5 miles away from the church. She would have lived if she had worn her seat belt and no one will dare say it out loud but it is the truth.
  9. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    I used to do day care and hauled small kids in the car. None of them needed car seats but they all needed seat belts. One little girl always reminded everyone to buckle up. There was a song they sang about it. I didn't start the motor until everyone was buckled up for safety. dooley
  10. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Oi, that must have been a horrible experience for Kolbjørn Biita. Thank goodness he's alright. The black ice is really, really dangerous. I've had my car turn 360 degrees when trying to turn left, and once it just turned around and kept on going - backwards. I didn't have much speed on either occasion, thankfully. We always buckle up, and my car will not move until all are safe.
  11. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    OMG! :eek: What a frightening experience.
    So relieved to read that Kolbjørn is okay!!

    Seatbelts DO save lives!
    I won't back down the drive with out wearing mine,
    and thankfully, hubby feels the same way -
    he has to do an awful lot of driving for work. :-?
  12. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Thank goodness Kolbjørn is ok.I'm sure he had a bad scare.Yes seat belts are a must around here.
  13. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    I am so so so glad to hear everyone buckles up,, we don't leave the house till we do.. even if Balder goes with us,, he has a cage that is strapped in the rear, an he goes in it... its the law here. And thank you for reading.

    Kolbjørn is okay,, he was very very sore today, an work told him to go home so he did. infact they offered him a month off with pay ofcourse, but he is one who can't sit still, so we will see tomorrow. I hope he does stay home, but well men what can i say. He's still shook up over it, an he wasn't driving fast at all an infact the accident took place not even a mile from home... about 1 1/2 kilometers. So please with the holiday season officially started, remind anyone and everyone to buckle up.

    And D2D,, i am so sorry about your cousin,, geez thats just horriable. Sorry for the children, but i know they are well loved an taken care of..
  14. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Petunia i worry everytime he leaves an i stay in the kitchen when i know he's on his way home, waiting to see headlights, so i know how you feel.

    The ice up here in the artic can be close to a foot thick on the roads, in the heart of winter an with it always dark an the north wind howling,, its not a pleasent drive at all. And when you get to the top of those mountains an the full force of the Artic hits you,, you just grit your teeth an hold your breath til you reach the bottom,, an thats with studs on!!! So believe me i know what you mean about worrying about loved ones in the car in winter.
  15. bethie

    bethie Young Pine

    Jun 8, 2006
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    Thank heaven's he is all right. :eek: Here even though it is the law the worst offenders are inexperienced teenage drivers. :scheming: They are always running off the road and end up hospitalized before they learn to buckle up. Unfortunately kids continue to believe they are "bullet proof."
  16. Palm Tree

    Palm Tree Young Pine

    Sep 17, 2007
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    Cape Town
    Gosh that is so frightening. I am so glad that he is safe. WE also make a point of buckling up - no pumpkinheads allowed here.

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