My hyacinths are really strange this year. Maybe it is the warm weather we have had. They are blooming before the stalk is out of the ground. Here's a couple pics of them. You can tell by the leaves and cedar tree seeds my garden is really messy right now!!
Thats the way mine did next year.Some of my tulips was just little balls sitting on top of the ground.
Mine have done that before and I never do know why. I think My Yard beats yours hands down in the messy department. I'm hoping a big strong wind will come and blow a lot of stuff into someone else's yard. :-D
Glendann I remember your tulips doing that! Weird! Bethie I wish a strong wind would take mine away too but since Glendann's yard is not very far up the hill from mine she might not like my mess blowing her way!! LOL!!
Those Hyacinth's...that's the strangest thing I've seen! I wonder if the stalk will continue to grow until all of the bloom grows out?
I have my first snowdrop of the year and it's flowering on a tiny 1/2" stalk which has never happened before as far as I can remember. :-? I'll try to remember to take a piccie of it tomorrow.
I think they are too Droopy Eileen I hope the rest of your snowdrops grow before they bloom! I love snowdrops. Every year I say I'm going to plant some bulbs so I'll get to enjoy them but I always forget! Maybe next year
This is down to lack of cold weather. The length of stem is determined by the temperature. Scilla are another example of bulbs which will flower stemless if the bulb does not experience a period of cold ripening.
Thank you Palustris, but why was some of mine normal just a few feet away from the little short ones?
I don't recall mine ever doing that. Even if they are short Julie, I enjoy seeing the spring color since the high today here is 14 degrees.
The degree of cold needed is not that great, so even a foot in distance can be critical. We have things which have been frosted out of existence within inches of tender stuff which has not been touched.