Antiques around the home

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by Biita, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Hi everyone, i was asked a few questions about some antiques that are seen in some of the photos i have posted. I have to post the same pics, sorry but tomorrow when the stores open i can buy new batteries for the camera an take proper pics an post then. :( sorry. But i'll explain the ones that i do have in picture.

    The first pic has an old organ in it, that is dated 1821, Kristiania, made in Oslo when Oslo was called Kristiania. It still works great, an has 2 very ornate foot peddles an a knee peddle also, its huge, an very heavy. the maker is J.W.Cappaten.

    the big bowls next to the organ are from the Netherlands, an has no date but is from before the turn of the 1900's,, no one is sure what date exactly just that KB's great grandfather brought them home, as a present. It is known that he was in the Netherlands in the 1880's sometime. there is a set of 3 an all three still survive. the 3rd one i have set in my bedroom holding my hair bands an such. it would be a middle size, an they are all hand made pottery glazed, and very very heavy also.


    In this photo all the pillows except for 2 are all hand made slip covers to fit over the pillow, all made by KB's great grandmother an grandmother. the red one was made on the loom, an is the oldest of them all, that one is about 110 yrs old.

    My kitchen table is from the second world war by the Germans when they occupied the Nordland here. So that is about 70 yrs old.. i stained it red, but wanted the weathered an old look to shine thru because the original was grey an not very appealling to me anyways. This belonged to KB's aunt from when she was married. Her husband stole it from under their noses because he liked it an thought it would make his new bride happy,,lol.

    And on the back of my sofa is a real reindeer hide. not old but its worth a mention


    The horns in this photo is my husband collection. there is actually 4 of them. One is very very old an its not shown here, but again once i get batteries i will take pics, its a calling horn,, the neighbors used to signal other farms by different tones, as to look out for something,, a boat has sunk,, or do you want to come over an party,,lol. I can't blow it, its really hard, but my husband has it mastered. the white horn is a replica of an authentic old Norse horn from around 700a.d. the intricate detail is a old form of showing Thor's World Serpent. Norse legend. the other horn is a drinking horn. the Vikings would use these to drink out of an hook them to their belts an carry with them where ever they went. all are hand made. the other horn that is not shown is a womans drinking horn, same look just smaller.


    I have many other antiques but i guess they have to wait till the batteries show up,,,lol.

    Thanks for the intrest. since i live in an antique, the house is estimated to be 160 yr old farm house, its only right to have a few antiques around.. not to mention i love them,,, :D
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    1. jsarah1

  3. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    I love antiques too Biita. They just don't make things like they used to!
    Your Amaryllis is lovely too :)
  4. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Thanks a mil for your very interesting foto's and explanations. What a gorgeous collection of old thimngs you have. Chapeau!
    I liked the story about the dutch pots...I thought that I recognized them. Thw largest onw was used for making saurkraut and the smaller ones for making pickling. They are sought-after here as valuable home decorations from the past. They are a bit expensive, Biita. Be sure that you are careful with them. ;) heh heh heh.
    How remarkable to see them on your piccies. Just another example of why this forum site is such a good one.
    My grandmother had a couple of these that she used as doorstops in later years. I don't know who wound up with them.
    Thank you again.
    p.s. How do you call the carving work on thre horns? Esquimos in alaska engrave whales teeth, walrus tusks and bones with the most interesting of designs it is called skrimshaw. I'm not sure about that spelling. Could you take some close-ups of the carving tomorrow?
  5. SongofJoy57

    SongofJoy57 In Flower

    Oct 20, 2007
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    Foothills of North Carolina Z = 7a & 7b
    I love history . . . and enjoy reading about the things that are beloved by my friends . . . :stew2:

  6. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Beautiful antiques Biita. Our house is full of old stuff but no true antiques.
    Do you have the history of all the items written down and pictures taken so future generations will know the real story behind them? Oral history is easily forgotten or revised from generation to generation.
  7. kaseylib

    kaseylib Young Pine

    Dec 28, 2007
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    My house if full of antiques too. I like a lot of primitives, but have some ornate pieces too. I love old needlework, particularly quilts, and they're really hard to come by around here. A house is so much warmer when you can surround yourself with older pieces. Ahh...the stories they could tell!

    Do you play the organ?
  8. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    How nice of you to take time and tell the stories about your things, Biita. That organ really looks like a lovely piece, and the story of the kitchen table is quite moving. Those pillow covers are lovely. Your husband knew what he did when he fell for you. :)
  9. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    I have lots of Antiques around here and there.
  10. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    What a lovely home you've made, Biita!
    It looks so very warm and welcoming,
    I think that any friend would feel so comfortable to visit you there,
    :D and I feel quite honored that you have shared it with us.

    I love furniture and decorative objects with a history,
    as much as I admire modern decor, ultimately,
    I just find that I only feel properly "nested" amongst my "old things".

    As I look around my dining room (where I am now seated)
    the furniture pieces all came down to me from various family members,
    both sets of grandparents and my own parents, too.
    It's all old, most over 100 years old . . .
    . . . :-? only the dining table and chairs are younger than I,
    and even they are over 30 years old and first belonged to a beloved aunt of mine.
    These people are all gone . . . but yet they are with me . . . :-D

    It's interesting, :) these pieces weren't ever designed to go together,
    and have never even been under the same roof together, until here in my home,
    but it really does feel like being among family, ;) to me.
  11. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Thank you for taking an intrest. Whats amazing is this whole farm is full of antiques,, remember,, its last generation that is still alive is 89,87 and 81. one of the bothers has passed on, Kalle. the next generation is my husband and sister, they are both in their 40's. so when i talk about grandma an great grandma,, were talking a ways back,,lol.

    Netty thank you for the compliment on the flower,, his name is Stewie btw,, an spoiled rotten already.

    Sjoerd, geez now i'm scared to have those pots on the floor like that. an the one in my bedroom, when i think how i just throw hair stuff in it,,, i can cringe now. lol.. i'll be careful, i know their old, but dang i didn't know they were of value. the engravings are called Gammel Viking Gravering, or Old Viking Engraving. Thats all we know about it really.

    Toni i never thought of that, maybe i should do that since everything is just laying around or stuck in cupboards or boxes in the attics. its a shame but my home is only so big. i have a spinning wheel an loom that is so old it isn't even funny. like 175 to 200 yrs old. when they talk about grandmas grandma, i start to shake at how its just thrown around, or packed away very badly. I think i will do that, preserve the history on this farm, in writing. Thank you for the idea!

    zuzu, kasey, droopy, glendann, thank you, an if you love old things, to me thats a way of loving the original owners no matter who they were. and i agree zuzu, it is a way to have old family there with you, even tho they have past.. now you can add to the history of your furniture.

    Okay, who wants to show their antiques,, here or a new thread,,, i wanna see,,please..
  12. bsewnsew

    bsewnsew Hardy Maple

    Feb 3, 2007
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    Lovely antiques and amaryllis.

    I like antiques so much, I am envious of the antique shows on tv......I can't watch, cause I am always wishing I had those..LOL :D :oops: :D


  13. kuntrygal

    kuntrygal Texas Rose

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Texas ~ Zone 8
    Beautiful antiques Biita. Anxiously awaiting more pictures. Would love to see several views of the house. I love antiques, but wasn't blessed with having them passed down through the family. A person can always go out and buy an antique (if you have the money :D ), but those passed from generation to generation are much more special, because you know the history of them. Thanks for sharing...
  14. bsewnsew

    bsewnsew Hardy Maple

    Feb 3, 2007
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    And it is more fun saying, I got this an that from grandma or pap or someone/ :-D
  15. SongofJoy57

    SongofJoy57 In Flower

    Oct 20, 2007
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    Foothills of North Carolina Z = 7a & 7b
    So True . . .
  16. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Well Biita, I didn't mean to frighten you about those pots..heh heh heh. I mean, they are not worth fortunes... but they are indeed valuable well as in the sense of their history and age. I shall try and remember to ask here and there for current prices when I visit an antique shop next...just to give you an idea. There are many, many antique shops in Holland.
    I wonder if a complete set of three would be significantly more expensive than the sum of ther total individual prices. It doesn't matter actually, it's a wonderful heirloom.
    I didn't realize until you said that the pillows were antique as well. I REALLY like the designs and colours.
    The details of the organ is amazing. What a beauty it is.
    The horn carving sounds quite interesting. I;'ll bet your man is quite proud of it.
    As for my antiques...All my family antiques burnt-up in the old family home in the early 1930's, I was told. Complete with the old family bible which had important details of my family's progress and members. Such a shame.
    Oh well, I can still appreciate the antique articles of others....I'm with Biita-- show your antiques folks.

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