Anyone have info on raising DUMB Cane plant? Purchased last fall at walmart.. ANd it is growing. Never said what it was .. But I did look it up in a book I have. b
Hi Barb, Dumb canes need to be grown in moist soil, so water frequently. You might also place a tray under the pot with water in it to help to keep your plants soil moist at all times. It requires high humidity levels so misting daily will also help keep the Dumb Cane healthy. Remember though that this plant doesn't like to be kept in a draughty area. The Dieffenbachia prefers temperatures above 60F. It also shouldn't be kept in direct sunlight. This is another plant that has a poisonous sap so please keep out of reach of children or animals that may try and eat it.
Thanks Eileen, I try to keep kids away from all plants.... It is pretty tho.. Do the florists in your area grow their own flowers? It is becoming difficult to find those here .. Like everything else, too expensive to do.. Canadian imports most are now. b
Most of the imported plants we have here in Scotland Barb are from Holland. We do have some nurserymen who grow their own plants but, sadly, dumb canes, aren't a thing they tend to grow much of. Maybe, once my greenhouse is erected, I'll be able to grow some of the rarer plants myself.
:-D :-D :-D Eileen, That sounds great....When are you doing that? Are you planning a large one? Also I read your title Taxonomist? What is that? Thanks Barb
The greenhouse was a freebie from our Freecycling group Barb and it will be a few weeks yet before the weather is good enough for us to get it built. I'll post piccies once it's done to let you see. It's just a small one measuring 8' x 6' but will do me nicely. Taxonomist was a title bestowed on me by a member we used to have here at The Stew as I managed to ID a plant that no-one else could. Just a bit of fun really. Here's what the dictionary says about taxonomist for you: "A scientist who identifies and classifies organisms."
:-D :-D :-D After I sent the message I hunted that in the dictionary......And that is what I was thinking .. They whooped on you. Now the greenhouse will be intresting..Your in cold weather like me .zone 5 I want to see how you manage it ..I do have a covered porch ..(ROOf only) It is on south and east sides of the house.........And often thought of a small thing like that on there// So I will watch your assembling.. Carefully. thanks for answering. b
Gosh let me also add my two cents worth. I used to grow Dieffenbachia at my old house (some 6 years ago) in my garage of all places. It has a see-through roof and it did very well. So do not fret Bsewnsew yours will grow. On the lighter (or more serious side - depends on how you look at it) side - I had to get rid of them since I have dogs who also love gardening. Snoopy always wants to chew on plants. He will chew anything that I touched. I have to be on a constant lookout for him. How I know he chewed on my dumbcane was one day when he tried to bark - hardly any sound came out. - It was scary and hilarious at the same time. Then my children also learned about the DUMB cane.
Hehehehe It was not that dramatic. Snoopy is a little yapper and when he chewed on the Dieffenbachia he could stil bark - but the sound that came out was quite puny. Fortunately the effect wore off quick enough. About 13 hours.