Seedstarting & Greenhouse Use in Coastal SC?

Discussion in 'Greenhouse' started by vtgardener, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. vtgardener

    vtgardener New Seed

    Dec 29, 2007
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    Northern Vermont
    I'm planning a relocation move from northern Vermont (brrrr) to Myrtle Beach area of SC (yay!!!) and realize I will need to adjust my gardening style. So I'm reaching out to any coastal SC gardeners for advice.

    Up here in the land of ice-and-snow I use two 3-tier seedstarting light fixtures and an assortment of shop lights to turn my basement into a garden center for flowers and vegetables from February-early May when everything then gets moved outside into a portable greenhouse before finally going into the ground on Memorial Day weekend.

    Will I still need the light fixtures and greenhouse down there? Or is it that I'll still need them but I'll just use them less?
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  3. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    Hiya vtgardener! [​IMG] Welcome to Garden Stew,
    and congratulations on your up-coming relocation.

    I don't live in S.C., but I do live less than 100 miles up the coast from Myrtle Beach. :-D

    You sound like a serious gardener, who really likes to get a jump on the season. :smt023:
    I think that you would probably still use your seed-starting station,
    but as you said, the period of time that you need it will likely be shorter.

    Most of us gardeners are tempted to grow plants that are just adapted to a zone or 2
    warmer than where we live . . . at least that is surely the case with me, :oops:
    so even though I am here in zone 8, my heated glasshouse is just invaluable to me!
    I use it every winter for over-wintering my tropical plants and seed-starting.

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