Hello, I live in the Oak Creek area of Wisconsin. I have always wanted to attract orioles to my backyard. When should I be starting to put my feeder out. March,April or in May? Thanks for any feedback.
If you're using a nectar feeder, I would put it out as soon as your temperatures consistently stay above freezing. A fruit feeder you can put out a little earlier since you dont have to worry about the nectar freezing. When is your last frost date? You can use that as a guideline.
Hi iceal, welcome to the Stew. How about posting an intro of yourself in the Welcome to GardenStew forum so we can all get to know you. I keep my feeders out year round since we have hundreds of birds that spend the winter down here. You might go ahead and put your feeders out to see which birds winter in your area and get a early start on attracting them to your yard.
Here in northeast Wisconsin, the Orioles come back in mid to late May. I've used the Oriole feeders, but find they like oranges better so I stock up on cheap oranges at that time of year. Then, by mid-July after they've had their babies, they leave our area. Not sure where they go, but I rarely see them after their babies are on their own.
Here in Michigan, my husband feeds grape jelly to the orioles and attracts more than with anything else. And they don't care if it is expensive or cheap jelly as long as it is grape.
Well that's good that they aren't spoiled for the expensive kind! In my yard they would have to take the store brand or forget about it
Hello...I am from the Appleton , Wisconsin area. Not as far north as Green Bay. I put my feeders out at the end of April and they arrive about May 6. If you have warmer weather then put it out earlier. I think you would be warmer before we would so see what April weather you have and if it is not too chilly put it out in April. The orioles here do not stick around if they don't find food right away so have it waiting for them. Just make sure you change it if it is is the sun more often...I change it even if they haven't arrived. My Orioles love grape jam...some feed jelly but I find they like the jam better. I will post a picture so you can see the type of feeder I use. The hummingbirds come about the same time, maybe a little earlier and they will use the Oriole feeder..I am talking about the nectar or you can mix some sugar water for them. As you can see, they like oranges too but I think they like the jam better at my house...
Love your pics, Sherry. They come right next to my windows too where I've got my hummingbird feeders hanging, and it's great to get such a close up view. Only 3 more months to wait...hang in there!