I name plants in my garden after people. But I actually chose a house plant name for my second oldest niece ARDESIA. How many of you have or have a loved one with a plant name. My mother wanted me to name my first daughter ROSEMARY but I did not care for the name when I was younger. As a gardener I have much more of an appreciation for the name now. In my first published book, my three daughters have flower names: Rose, Iris, and Lilie. My name is Dorothy which means "Gift of God." (which all plants happen to be). Please share an interesting tid-bit about your name with us. Why not take a pic of yourself with your namesake (or just your namesake). That would be too cute.
I haven't got one, but came close. My mother wanted to name me Iris or Veronica, but my father refused. I never thought of plant names for my own girls, but occasionally call the two youngest Petunia and Surfinia as pet names. I've got an old friend who reminds me of the Colchicum. He was standing proud and fresh when his friends were still growing, and when they started to prosper, my friend sort of withdrew and vanished out of sight. Now, when his friends are beginning to wilt, he's beginning to bloom.
My SIL came from a family with the tradition that all girls be named after rose species, with rose as the middle names. My two little nieces carry on that legacy. I've always loved the name Violet, but really don't like "Vi" which is what the only person I know of to bear the name goes by. My middle name means something like "starry sky" so I've claimed our native wild shooting star as my name flower, lol! Oo, I've been thinking about changing my avatar, maybe I'll do a painting...
I don't have a plant name but my granddaughter does. Lily Tykira. my other granddaughter is named after the birds. Ravn Anja. So i have the Raven and the Lily.
No flower names in my family either, but our cats have flower names: Roos (Rose) and Gül (Turkish for 'Rose').
I don't believe it. There is only one person in my family named Rosemary and she is my aunt. It just shows that except for grandma no-one else really gardens. Even my own children, gosh and I do garden, do not have flower names. However I do believe my son would be very upset with a flower name.
My youngest daughters name is Ivy. I really liked the name because it's short and sweet and not too common. She was the first kid in her class to spell her own name
Bethie, you do and can do anything and everything, so I am not surprised you lift weights as well Is there really anything you don't or can't do :?:
I love the names that people are sharing. it is odd of the things we do and do not think of when selecting names for babies. i think that Ivy for a little one is cute and I have not thought about a masculine plant name for a boy. Is there such a thing as a masucline flower name? Maybe some one will think of one that will not cause a young man to hang his head in shame.
one of my younger sisters' middle name is Rose Samantha Rose Smith D2D, I read a book by Merideth Ann Pierce where the main character's name was Briar Moss
Wannabe's name is Rosemary. I think she's the only one in the family with a plant name. Oh, my niece is named Heather. dooley