Stumped on decorating the walls

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by SnowCone, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. SnowCone

    SnowCone New Seed

    Mar 10, 2008
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    Las Vegas Nevada
    Hi~ I just joined and need a little help with my bedroom, I'm a 15 year old girl and... Well, as the Subject says, I don't know what to do with the walls of my bedroom

    The furniture stays where is it, but the tv, it will go above the mini fridge, (I'm a lucky child, haha) on one of the TV stands that can be attached to the wall. (This isn't my room, but it shows you what I am talking about )

    Alright, this is my room, from walking in the door, and then the rest are spinning to the right-





    Basically, I need help with putting pictures, shelves and other things on the walls. I've been thinking about ideas for awhile, but I just don't know >_<.

    Can you help me with some creative ways to hang pictures and shelves to cover all this empty wall space I have?

    As you can see I like wolves, and the colors are 2 shades of blue, white, and little touches of green (but the only green in now is the big chair) And I plan to buy all new frames/shelves etc once I think of what I could do, and a last note to help, I don't like pictures hung perfectly a lined (like the ones in picture 4)

    One thing that stumps me the most is on the wall my bed is on, any picture I put above my bed looks bad, nothing fits in that spot, and what do I put on the rest of that wall?

    Replies with pictures attached (like simple stuff done in paint or w/e ) would be appreciated xD
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Hi SnowCone, I had one idea about this. How about a good size corkboard that you can pretty much do what you like with? See a picture of a wolf in a magazine/newspaper? Cut it out and stick it up. Favourite family photo. Stick it up. You'll quickly fill it up and your favourite pictures will always be visible.

    Other than that I'd recommend one or two houseplants. You'll be amazed at the dramatic impact they can have on a room. And guess what, we have a forum where you can ask questions about this :) Houseplants forum.

    Hope this helps. Keep us updated.
  4. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Hi Snowcone.
    I like Frank's suggestion of the large corkboard above the bed for pictures of friends and all sorts of keepsakes that you will accumulate from school activities. And hanging plants in front of your windows will add life to your room, not only in the pretty greens of the foliage and the color of the blooms, but they will help add a freshness to the air and make you feel better when you are in there.

    Your room shows that you are a very neat young lady, every mother's dream. :stew2:

    Do you plan on buying picture frames that all match or will you go for the more eclectic look using frames of different styles and colors? When you get the pictures in their frames, use the top of your bed to lay them out in a placement that you like, mixing the vertically and horizontally hung frames all together and staggering them so they do not line up. Basically put them on the bed and start playing with them, it will come to you. When you find the look you like then transfer them one at a time to the wall.

    Do you want shelves for books? A low, long bookcase might fit under the window next to your bed if there is walking room on that side. Book shelves on the wall need to be attached to the wall studs, those you can't nail up just anywhere.

    Shelves along the wall above doorways are good places to show off your favorite items where you can see them and keep them safe.

    Don't try to have everything figured out before getting started on decorating your room. There will always be something else that catches your eye that can be added later or replace something that you already have. The fun is making the room reflect who you are and since your likes/dislikes will change as your get older, the room will change too.
  5. Primsong

    Primsong Young Pine

    Apr 15, 2006
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    One tip that comes to mind:

    Buy whatever frames you find that are the preferred size and shape - ignore their color. Scratch-n-dent sales or really ugly colored ones in clearance bins are great. You can then pick up cheap craft paints (usually about a dollar a bottle, less on sale) that match with the colors in the picture you are framing and sponge/dab/rub them on the frames to make 'custom matching frames' for your pictures or you can match the dominant colors in the room (or both, to tie them together!).

    Add a quick coat of semi-gloss craft varnish (also in those little bottles) with a cheap sponge-brush and it's ready to go.

  6. LilyPlanter77351

    LilyPlanter77351 Seedling

    Feb 29, 2008
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    Livingston, Texas
    Room Help

    Hi Snow Cone, you have a really nice room and it has alot of great possibilities just waiting to pop out.

    I agree with Frank and Toni on the cork board idea, to add more versitility they sell dry erase boards with small magnets that have words on them (love, boy, kiss, dog etc.) at Targets and Walmarts most places. These will keep your pictures notes and stuff hole free when you stick em up. Also the dry erase board comes with markers so you can write notes or messages "Snow Cone's Room" lol. And they come in alot of different colors mine was blue and would have matched your room.
    The shelves are great too they make a few different kinds that would do alot for your room, They make corner shelves that only use a very small amount of room (like the window side of your bed in the corner) and go all the way to the ceiling, in case you want to have a place on both sides of the bed for stuff. The top shelves are great for storing things you don't often play with/look at but you still luv to much to get rid of (ex: fav teddy bear).
    Another idea is shelves about a foot to 2 foot from the ceiling, this will make access harder but if you want to display pictures it'll also keep them from being knocked down.
    Near your computer you might think of putting up cuppies (I don't know what they are called in stores mine was a utinsil rack. I got it twice as a wedding present and turned the extra into a catch all for my keys, sunglasses, pens mail and umbrella etc.) This can be done with thumb tacks to minimize holes I also reccomend thumb tacks for the wall hangers of small pictures as they don't make as big of holes as nails and no hammering or stud finding is required.
    As far as the pictures go, I recomend you get different frames in similar shades of different colors like dark red green blue, or all different pastels or all different metal tones, you know? That way if you use other frames later you won't have to worry about not finding the same exact pattern. It's a good idea to avoid straight lines of pictures, try ascending or decending every other picture and leave a lot of space between them, this adds an artistic type of disorder and doesn't require too much work and it keeps peoples attention on the pictures not thinking that they are crooked/eneven. Here are some pictures of my walls in "my room" lol, my home office actually, but it's where I express myself most, I wasn't too concerned about it being pretty since I am usually the only one in here but when people do come in their eyes are immeadiatly drawn to my pictures, zero to conversation in 2 seconds flat lol. Hope this helps. Sorry the pics are blurry my husband's camera isn't the best and neither is my picture taking ability.
  7. SnowCone

    SnowCone New Seed

    Mar 10, 2008
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    Las Vegas Nevada
    Re: Room Help

    Woah, never been to a forum that replies so much after one night, lol
    and I'm not as neat as I appear, I tidied up for the pictures. :rolleyes: haha

    You guys are so helpful! I love the Shelf under my window idea, There is plenty of space on that side of my bed because of the chair, and I was worried all that room would be waisted with just my nightstand there, Maybe some house plants on that shelf would work great.

    as for the cork board above my bed, I like that idea, I already have a dry erase AND a cork board at my computer desk, I could take those down and put them somewhere else in the house (as you can see I wasn't using them anyway, lol) and than buy a bigger one above my bed maybe.

    I've seen corner shelves before in home depot and I think 2 in the corner left of the window would look nice now that I think about it.

    and last, maybe I can place shelves 2 feet from the sealing on the other walls in my room in a few places, that leaves a lot of room for pictures/etc on the rest of the wall.

    you all helped A LOT! in a few days I'll get around to doing all that and post pictures.

    One last thing, I also had these on my walls before and used them to display my collection of wolves (yup, theres more! lol) I finally dug them up and took pictures, all the selves I had was white, and the picture frames were the oak color of all my furniture.

    Have an ideas of where to put them? I would like to reuse them if I could.

  8. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Maybe just hang on to those for a while and see if you need them after getting other shelves up and the pictures hung. They would be pretty with different small houseplants sitting on them, but like I said that could come later if there was room.
  9. stacy131

    stacy131 New Seed

    Jan 14, 2008
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    And if you think a corkboard isn't clean enough, you can always upholster a large board and make a memo board above your bed. If you know how to, you can even upholster your bed in the same way for a continuous look. Good luck.

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