Professional photographer Jim Brandenburg I'm not, but I thought I'd share these photos with you anyway that I took on my kayak trip around our lake this morning. The ice was making tinkling noises as I paddled by (almost sounded like baby frogs chirping!), and it was awesome. I did my best to break up the ice an hurry it along! Here I am on the edge of the ice And now breaking ice... Still breaking ice... I was sharing open water space with a loon and was treated to a serenade...their call sounds quite eerie but is magnificent! My neighbor followed along on the shore with the can see the thin ice between us. IT WON'T BE LONG NOW!!!
How fun Kasey, lucky you. I can feel the cold crisp air from here. Beautiful scenery. Have you been kayaking for long?
Kasey this looks like so much fun. Your lake is amazing and everything is so clean and crisp. What was the temp?
Thanks for the comments. The temp was about 45 F when these pics were taken, but quickly warmed up to 60 F this afternoon. It's a wonderful feeling to be the only one out there, except for the favorite time to go is in the morning before work with a cup of coffee and I go as often as I can.
Ohhh wow, lucky you!! I know you had a great time. I just wish our fjørd would hurry along and thaw, our boats are calling too! Great pics, thanks for the ride!
Hi Kaseylib, Your lucky your lake has open water, ours is still ice from end to end. Snowmobiles still go across. This picture is cheating a little, I took it last year on March 24th, and just off camera there is a Cadillac Escalade and some Ice fisherman. But the lake is much like that now. Can't wait to get the Kayaks out and in the water. Tom
What magnificent scenery Kaseylib. It must have been so exilerating to be kayaking on the lake. Everything looks so peaceful and calm that I can almost hear the loons and the tinkling of the breaking ice.
Love your picture Cal! That could have been me a few days ago...what a difference a few warm days can make. I think our lake will break wide open by the end of this week when temps get in the 60's (F), and I can't wait.
lakes If you tried to walk on a lake in Winter down here, you'd fall plumb through - IF there is even ice on the surface! We actually get millions of Canada geese down here in Winter. The South Plains is dotted with tiny, shallow playa lakes. The geese love it, not to mention all the grain fields in this agricultural region!
Re: lakes WT...You got up my curiosity as I've never heard the term "playa lake" before so I just HAD to look it up. Here's what I found out about them for the rest of you who may not know...I learn something new everyday! The playas are ephemeral lakes that form in small depressions. Once filled by spring thunderstorms, the impermeable clay bottoms of the playas hold water for long periods through rainless months. Playas are valuable water sources for local game species such as pheasant and quail. But the most significant feature of the lakes is their use by millions of ducks, geese, sandhill cranes, and shorebirds for nesting or as stopping places during migration, when tens of thousands of migratory birds may be seen on a single playa.