Cat palm tree plant dying

Discussion in 'Houseplants' started by snowyangel, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. snowyangel

    snowyangel New Seed

    Jun 11, 2007
    Likes Received:
    south dakota
    I dunno what I'm doing wrong(bare in mind I'm still new to plant keeping), but my Cat Palm seems to be dying quickly. I water it every 3 but it seems like every few days I'm triming off yellow/brown ends and now it looks like it has white powder/webs underneath its leaves?
    I just repotted it to a bigger pot about 2.5 weeks ago, added some crushed egg shells for nutrients and also some fetrilizer pellets. It's kept indoors out of direct sun but by 2 tall windows. I'm in zone 4 if that matters.
    Any help? I love palms and I paid $15 for it, would hate to kill ti by mistake. :(
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  3. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    Hi Snowyangel,
    from your description of the webby-ness under it's leaves,
    it's possible that your Chamaedorea cataractarum ("Cat Palm" or "Parlor Palm") is infested with spider mites. :twisted:

    This particular variety of palm is quite susceptible to these pests,
    and a bad infestation can indeed kill the plant.

    The dry and rather still air in most homes are ideal for these arachnids.
    I don't know how large your plant is,
    but if it is feasible, you can begin to spray the foliage (all surfaces)
    vigorously and regularly, with a hose,
    and you may be able to convince the wee beasties to move on.
    Otherwise, you could try one of the chemical pesticides designated for spider mites.

    Check over any other plants in your home for signs of mites, too.

    You also mentioned white powder, does this "powder" appear in little tufts LIKE THIS?
    I ask because this type of palm is also susceptible to mealy bug. :-?

    Oh, and I'd withhold any further feedings until the plant is looking healthier.
  4. snowyangel

    snowyangel New Seed

    Jun 11, 2007
    Likes Received:
    south dakota
    Eeek, spider mites that sounds very creepy. No the white doesn't look like the picture you included, just white specs. Well I took a damp paper towel and removed the dust and webs. I'm worried b/c this palm is in a room with a live bird. Do the spirder mites harm living animals too? Should I move my palm outside(it only just beocmign spring here, temps around 60f)?
  5. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    Yeah, tee-neeny little spiders, [​IMG] that is a little creepy, huh?

    To the best of my knowledge, they are only interested in plants,
    that is what they feed on, so your bird should be safe from them.
    But, of course, your birdie is all the more reason to use pesticides very carefully -
    or, better yet, not at all.

    Remember that spider mites like dry, still conditions,
    so if you can begin to cause them to get soaking wet regularly,
    they shouldn't want to stick around.
    You might also set up a small fan, aimed at your plant
    so that it riffles the foliage like a light breeze ( ;) NOT like a hurricane),
    that should also displease the little buggers.

    Outside might be an option, but if it is too cold there to leave the palm out,
    you could take it out for a good hose-down every couple of days,
    bringing it back in before the temps drop too much in the evenings.
    Or, if the plant is small enough and you can manage it in your shower,
    you could try to spray them away like that.
  6. snowyangel

    snowyangel New Seed

    Jun 11, 2007
    Likes Received:
    south dakota
    Thanks for the tips. Yeah this one isn't small, stands around 5 feet tall. I will do the hose thing on ncier day then today. Thanks for your help!

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