Springtime is time to get all your ducks in a row is just what I thought of when I saw this little group of thirteen freshly-hatched ducklings. My partner went racing off down alongside the canal to get these fotos. She found the little 'peepers' irresistable. I found the growth on the waters' surface fitting.
That looks like a well-behaved bunch. Then again with 13 of them they couldn't be anything other then that. Imagine 13 spoilt-brat ducklings swimming around and pecking at whatever they wish Thanks to you and your partner for the daily dose of cuteness Sjoerd.
I think a Mother duck and all her little babies following behind her are about the cutest site to see.The photos are so great .Thanks for giving the best smile I've had today.
Thank you folks for your remarks. They do look cute don't they--a true sign of spring. I guess their formation will loosen-up a little as they get older and more confident.
aw their so cute. I have to agree with Netty mama duck has alot of work ahead of her. We haven't seen any babies around here yet.
There have been several varieties of ducks on our lake since the ice broke earlier this week. We usually have at least one family or two each year, along with a few families of geese. Great to see that new life at the beginning of the season.
That is a great picture... I volunteer at the local hospital and they have a little area that is open (a garden) in between the hospital and the medical building. Every year a couple ducks always nest in there and then when they get bigger they have to round up the Mom and babies and take them outside by the water. It is a safe place for her babies and her. The volunteers have filled the gardens with trees, flowers and bushes..thank you for sharing that beautiful picture..