I have an echinacea plant. It real good after I first bought it. Then the leaves all died. And just when I thought it was dead, I seen new sprouts coming up from the soil. Then it grew and did good for while except it never flowered. Now its dying back again. Can anyone give any suggestions on how to keep my poor plant healthy so maybe I could get it to flower.
Echinacea is also the Purple Coneflower and is a perennial. If you have it outside it is time for it to die back, going dormant for the winter. Do you have it inside? It needs lots of sun and heat to grow, I am not sure it will survive as a houseplant unless you have it in a 'hot house'
Toni: thanks for the reply. I didn't know very much about the plant when I bought it-it was bought more for an inside joke (to my dad) then anything. I have had this inside since late spring here (June) and is still inside. I guess thats why it died back and lived again and now wants to die back again. Our ground is hard now so I'll see what happens and put it in the ground in the spring.
Sorry fred. I don't have the plant any more as it finaly gave out. But I did buy some seed, but no luck with those yet either, then again its still early I just planted them the 26th. So we'll wait & see.