This is what I found this morning - a beautiful day in West Texas: Columbine: Little princess shasta daisies: new impatiens: Oleander: Petunias: Roses: Peonies:
Wow, my eyes are going crazy with all the sun and color,,, wonderful pics and very beautiful flowers! oh my,,, those are simply gorgeous. I planted a Peony (this year)but so far nothing but greenery. I'll keep my fingers crossed. And your photography is stunning.
What a wonderful sight your photographs are WT. I love the columbine but have a while to wait before any of mine flower this year.
Oh that first columbine is lovely! I tried to grown some William Guiness (sp?) but none of the seeds germinated The roses and peonies are lovely too ^_^ I want to get some, they're Indiana's state flower
I can't believe your oleandar is in bloom already and looking so good. Thanks for the pics. I am envious of the columbine which will not grow in my garden.
oleander Well, I confess to cheating on the oleander. In the past, when I've planted them in the ground, I've lost them in the Winter. So a few years ago, I bought these 2 red oleanders & put them in pots. I over-winter them in a make-shift greenhouse and that's why they're blooming already.
How fantastic to have all of that glorious colour already. As Eileen said, this side of the pond we still have a looooooooong wait for that sort of summer colour. My Columbines will be open in about 2 weeks. But petunias won't be around until about July!! Thanks for cheering me up this nippy Sunday evening.
Great pics WT. I love them all and all the color. My columbine are just coming up so they wont' flower for a while yet. I just started my petunias. I love peonies and am planning to put some in this year. I've planted those before, but moved before they ever bloomed. I've heard they take a couple years. Thanks for sharing.
I'm so jealous! The weather is COLD here today and rain is imminent. I'd love to be able to plant some flowers but......well, at least some of the tulips are up. )