I've had all sorts of problems with them in my yard but we've had a ton of rain here in Dallas so I'm sure it's different in other places. Any advice?
Actually I haven't had to worry too much about mosquitos around here. The city sprays for them. They were supposed to spray for them last week and then I think they spray once a month or so until fall/winter.
Dump any staning water that may be around. Old flowwer pots, tires, bird bath. Change birdbath water every couple of days. Plant mosquito repellant plants. Mosquito repelling plants
Keep an eye on birdbaths and the dog's water bowl hose them out and fill with fresh water daily. Go on a search for empty flower pots and anything that has standing water in it, empty and turn the pots upside down so they don't hold water. If you have any water foutains in the yard or other water features, pick up some mosquito granules called Mosquito Bits at HD or Lowes and sprinkle them in, I think it is a tablespoon every 10-14 days. I rub a mixture of rubbing alcohol and Peppermint Essential Oil on bare skin before going out to work in the yard. If your neighbors are not as diligent about preventing standing water there may not be much you can do unless you are on friendly terms with them. I also have another recipe for insect repellant that I am going to make that includes Witch Hazel, citronella essential oil and apple cider vinegar. I want to compare the two sprays for effectiveness especially since the Peppermint EO can sometimes cause skin irritation.
Buy the Skeeter Defeater It works great! You don't have to do anything but set it out in the yard or on the deck...we have two that we have set out and the difference is amazing. plus, my husband likes to tell people he has one, just so he can say the name.
We live on a lake and always have them during the summer. Even now, in our cool spring, they're hatching. Our resident wrens take care of quite a few, as do the bats, but I think you just have to live with them. I spray a repellent on my dogs if they're going to out and will sometimes on me when I'm working in the shade. They're always the worst once the sun goes down, so maybe stay inside during those prime times???
We have a mosquitoe magnet, we used it for a couple years and it helped but I wouldn't say it elimated. Since we pulled up a lot of the brush and trees out back and put up the fence we don't seem to have as much trouble with them. Toni, I'd love to see you post that peppermint mix for us and the witch hazel one too once you get it figured out. Please? Good luck!
Bats eat mosquitos like crazy. We have some wild ones that fly around our security light at night. I have been meaning to make some bat houses, but I don't know if any would live in them.
I have them and also a gnat that is worse than mosquitos .They are called buffalo gnats but some times called turkey gnats. Vanilla flavoring stops them from biting
I use calendula spray and salve. Since i live on a fjord, we have tons of mosquitos. I also use catnip in planters around our patio area and in the dogs bed, and works great also. Its still cool here, and the mosquitos are already buzzing around. Just wish the plants would grow fast now,,lol.
I can't enjoy my garden as much as I would like to because of the gnats and mosquitoes. does calendual help with mosqitoes? I wouldn't mind planting a mass amount of them if it works.
To be honest i don't know if just the plant works or not. We had bought some calendula salve from a festival here, and KB had a very nasty cut on his face from working with wood. its great for healing btw. We went fishing and not one mosquito would go near him, but i was getting eaten alive. then i got a cut on my hands,, i used it, and not one mosquito would come near me,,, now i make the spray and it works greats, and the salve also.
I should of put in the last post, i meant, just growing the plant,, i know i have used the flowers alone by crushing and releasing the oils and rubbing on Balder when we go for long walks in the marsh areas. But just the plant untouched and still growing, i don't know,,