Hi and welcome. I am fairly new here too, but have been here long enough to know, no matter what the question or issue, there is probably someone...
This tree came in a 6 pk of flowers I got as a gift from a neighbor 17 years ago. It has been a very slow growing tree. [img] Anyone know...
This is the fence hubby and I put up in front of the avaries. It is made from old washing machines, closthes dryers, fridges and freezers....
I forgot that I have a lot of gourd seeds shoud anyone want some. Probably way to late for this year but I have them if anyone wants some.
Thanks toni, That's the one I found when I posted. It came up on the little list at the bottom of related posts.
OK..lol should have done a search but didn't think of it. Found older posts with great ideas. Now I will go post in seed exchange that I have sooo...
Has anyone made things from gourds? I grew some bushel gourds(actually several kinds) last year and am making a hanging lamp from one. They also...
Before I became dissabled I worked for the Dept of Agriculture here in AZ. There are lots of weeds and plants the state doesn't allow. Dooley, the...
Don't you just love plesant surprises? Twelve years ago when I moved into the house I now live in, my neighbor brought me a six pact of flowers of...
Netty, I am especially fond of rustic, natural looking things and this is just wonderful. In fact I have been wanting to do a project with salt...
LOve this! So true. I don't feel so dumb now when I let the weeds grow and even go out and bring some home native to this area.
I agree, zinnias grow as well as weeds here.
MP you made me laugh. That sounds so much like my 3 boys! I think we need a new thread "Kids say and do the Darndest Things" I'm sure it would be...
Melissa, I have raised many bunnies with can milk (diluted with water), fed with a dropper. The mothers usually kill the young if they have been...
Very pretty! Love the ducks and your pond is nice too.
Don't run out after the garbage truck with bags in both hands when the ground is covered in ice!
I have a new laptop and it came with Vista. The biggest prob I have had is a lot of things are not compatable with this system and some things...
Glad my phone didn't ring then!!
Neat idea. One more project to add to my list so big now I will never get a fraction of them finished...or started for that matter. I love making...
I would love to do some kind of scientific/medical research. I would also love to do something to help couples have children that can't and help...
Separate names with a comma.