Leonard da Vinci was the first to record that the number of rings in the cross section of a tree trunk revealed its age. He also discovered that...
Leonardo da Vinci was known as a painter, sculptor, architect, and engineer but what else is he given credit for in the world of plants and trees?
The main reason that rice is grown in Paddies is that the weed population can be kept in check! Rice can be grown in "normal" circumstances (ie....
Why do they grow rice in flooded paddies?
Lightning keeps plants alive. The intense heat of lightning forces nitrogen in the air to mix with oxygen, forming nitrogen oxides that are...
Lightning keeps plants alive. The intense heat of lightning forces (a)______________ in the air to mix with (b)_______________, forming...
The answer is........... Antarctica!
An ear of corn averages 800 kernels in 16 rows. A pound of corn consists of approximately 1,300 kernels. 100 bushels of corn produces...
The Correct answer is C :)
I get the magazine and I love it!
Which historical gardening fact is NOT true? A. Mesopotamian King Sargon returns from his campaigns in the Indus valley, Mediterranean, and other...
Artemisiais the correct answer!
I too despise the big corporate stores, I prefer to go to the locally owned and run stores. I live in Clintwood VA.... we have two grocery...
LOL @Jerry, I spend at least 5 hours a week "Googling" just to get the information I need to come up with the quiz questions! I love it!...
What plant filled the court rooms and hospital during the spread of Yersina pestis...it was believed the terpenes inside this plant stopped the...
Correct Answer is Willow Tree!
Americans consume over 80 million tablets of aspirin a year. What plant does it originate from?
The answer is indeed Malaria!
Cinchona, feverbark, was nearly made extinct from over-collection of it in the Andes jungles. What disease was it used to cure?
and the answer is........ glycosides
Separate names with a comma.