I ain't a monster but I'd def. enjoy a cookie! And I know how to open the jar. Since the teddy is so cute, I'd like to make friends with him...
Cute morning glory up on the roof. Did you have to climb a ladder to get a good pic? I also had that Vigna vine, but it bloomed late in the fall...
Very nice blooms. And even the stubborn ones still look great! Oh, in case you don't know and wonder, the last-but-one is a Faucaria. I also got...
MC, they are good bugs. Eating the bad ones (aphids, and others). SO if you see any ladybugs in your garden, be happy!
Yea, best thing to do is 1. ask your neighbors 2. check your plants throughly. I have never had fuchsias cause over here they do tend to be...
Well roses are no non-stop bloomers. I also love them when in bloom, but out-of-bloom there's nothing to them! I really have no idea what you...
Erica (heather)? Just a thought
Welcome Maria!
Yey! You told me about them but now I can actually see them. Are you sure the first one is alive? Kidding, looks like most google showed me....
Welcome, your Highness!
OH wow. I love those gentians! Always wanted some, but over here they are darn expensive! I tried seeds, nothing!
I don't know how cold it gets over there. And I've also never done this. But I'd say putting the plants and bulbs in a freezing environment may...
Oh, it's a little more complicated than that Hank. If I take it after your "rule" in Italics, then I should ask "Whom did you tell the secret?"...
Hey, just to help you a bit. Maybe you want the Passiflora caerulea? This is the one that really blooms over here. I got plants, but no seeds....
I like the last one. Real cute. Also a "stinker" ?
Nice Gesture, no matter how small LOL
Oh well, it may be a special corn. My parents plant corn each year. But it's mainly for animals (we still eat some when "green") As I know, we...
Margie, never heard of a passion flowe bulb. If you mean passiflora, there's no bulb. Either seeds or plant. And there's many kinds. I only...
Wow. Nice aristo. Funny, and coincidence... I saw a very very tiny bud forming on my aristolochia. Will soon have to bring it in. It's in...
Well yes, most of the pics I uploaded are still on my computer (I HOPE). But it's the idea of losing someone that's part of my life now....
Separate names with a comma.