I'll be getting out the mower this weekend. The clover and weeds are loving this weather. Hope the mower doesn't bog down! o_O
I'd never ignore any comment or suggestion you make Mart! :p
I've been thinking about adding a Meyer Lemon. They grow really well down here. But I'm kinda waiting to see how the Mandarin will do this year....
The DUCK Farm will take any and all throw-aways or extras I have. No matter what they are. Including seeds. They have the space and the desire to...
Looks like a hummingbird moth to me.
Soggy is correct... especially the last few months. I still can't even take the riding mower in the pasture without fear of getting stuck.
The only citrus tree that has produced for me is the kumquat. Hopefully since this is the 4th year for the orange, it will start to produce....
And and welcome from Cajun Country across the border (I'm over here by Beaumont). Now you've done it... I'm hungry for some jambalaya! Looking...
Looks like a weed that's growing all over the place here. Sure hope not. Curious as to what it is too.
Hi and welcome from SE Texas. I can feel your excitement way over here! Looking forward to seeing all those lovely plants. Good luck on getting...
I emptied out my compost bin over the weekend. I got about 3 wheel barrows full. They went into the big planters (along with some store-bought...
Happy Monday morning. We had gorgeous weather all weekend. Sunny and warm (temps in the mid to upper 70s). I've started my flower bed clean-ups....
They sure a pretty! That's my kinda "snow".
Jewell... they are definite "thugs" (I love that description of them) :) I like Irises, but the only one's that will continue to live are the old...
Jane... good advice about the water pressure. Once things dry up around here I'll give it a test run. Your advice has changed my mind on which end...
Cayuga... no worries... the hoses will be inside the flower beds where no lawn mower will ever venture. :)
I was given one little clump of these a couple of years ago. They are really pretty. I wanted them to have something green out there all year and...
My friend/coworker gave me 200 foot of soaker hose (she removed it when she had sprinklers installed). So I stretched it out and sorta put in...
Happy Friday morning. I think our cold and dreary weather is going to be ending today. Temps should get close to 60F. The weekend is supposed to...
I think the site looks fantastic! I too will have to do some poking around to see what's all new and how things work. I'm sure I'll get the hang...
Separate names with a comma.