I love this. As a first user of comfrey, it's great that you all caution us on the joys and lows of the plant and where to plant it. I still...
Update 5/1/19: A little dark..7 a.m. this morning. Haven't figured out what i want to do with that grass path yet. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Hello Everyone...It's been few weeks and I have been busy in the yarden. First of all, I did not make it to my mother's house because of weather,...
Lol @Gail-Steman .... I love the idea, but would it be crazy to say that I cant sit still long enough to do that!!! That would definitely be a...
Yes, I'm enjoying them...hehe
@adam.ca those are exactly the problems i have and posted about. Still thinking about what to do though..for now, I'll continue concentrating on...
@Gail-Steman ... i was trying not to bombard you all with the pics that i take...but since you asked for updates:D The Comfrey..so proud that all...
@Sjoerd ... he is now claiming that feeder...found the fencing to perch and is running off others..lol. [ATTACH]
Thanks @eileen ...me too. thanks @marlingardener @Cayuga Morning..that is..couldn't think of anything better to go on my body permanently at...
Look what came to visit me this evening, when i needed it the most. This is the best picture I could get without spooking him. [ATTACH]
Oh it's not going to stay in those cups or in pots..i have some places in mind...i wanted to make sure that the cuttings would grow roots and it...
Thought you all would love to see the progress of the comfrey cuttings. I have 5 cups and thought 2 were gonners..removed a little soil for signs...
@carolyn...ok thanks....worm food they shall be.
@carolyn Ahhhhh, ok. Nice goals.:like:
Update 3/24/19: I'm just going to show pics pretty much...some are a little distorted - don't know why yet. Enjoy [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I'm so sore from the bending...extended the flower/garden bed into another section...one more to go on that side of the house. Stuck more plants...
Wow, everyone is busy readying themselves for the growing season...not like you @marlingardener to wait so long. I'm trying to harden off my...
Don't you just hate when what you sowed doesn't come up at all, then when you give it the conditions that it needed a year later, it decides to...
@Sjoerd...thank you. It's hay/straw.
Wow, I'm trying potatoes (Red) for the first time this year. Wish me luck!
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