Like "Welcome home husband be ye never so drunk". Some kind of Sedum by the way.
A lot of the so called common names for plants in English were made up by Ruskin and his friends the Romantic poets. Most country folk just said...
Interesting point about native names for plants. The death of different languages runs the risk of the use for plants being lost since no one can...
That is the trouble with using 'common' names rather than the proper Latinesque epithets. Valerian as a name can refer to two totally different...
A seed weed is a plant which produces many, many seeds all of which will germinate exactly where you do not want them. Dandelions for example.
Yes, Centranthus ruber. Valerian. Can be a bit of a seed weed. Comes in white and pale pink too.
It is beginning to fill out. Still plenty of room and work to be done though.
Sorry. Probably should get Frank to delete the whole of this thread maybe.
I have altered the setting in Imgur. Try again please.
Must be something on this site then as it works everywhere else Try this
Try again.
This is now. I think we have made a bit of a difference.
I think the Erythronium is either E. tuolumnense or may be the hybrid E. Pagoda. E.dens-canis has very mottle purple and green leaves
I like those Sanguinaria canadensis flore plena. We brought a pot of them with us when we moved house. They have not flowered this year though so...
Loss of connection is most annoying, almost like losing the ability to talk.
The Auriculas have done really well after been released from their pots and planted out in the garden. The vine weevils do not seem to do as much...
A walk round the garden this morning. before Monday's wind and rain.
Last film I saw? It was one of the early James Bond film, say 1967 ish.
We have been so often that I have hundreds of images of the place. I try to find new vistas to vary the views. Not easy now, I think I have run...
First visit to anywhere this year.
Separate names with a comma.