hi! I'm back. Finally. Our pepper plants have some black on one of them. Also the smaller peppers are turning black. I have a pic somewhere but...
I added a pumpkin pic. Any tips?? It's my first ever pumpkin. :)
This is my calla lily and they keep drooping no matter how much I water or don't water. Ideas?? What's inside? [img] [img] // mod edit:...
I started the squash seeds indoors.. and they have already started producing flowers. Do I need to do the pollenating myself until i can get them...
Ok, its near time to get plants out doors but I dont know how to go from indoors to out. As ive stated before, my plants are inside the house...
Ok, now that i have so many sprouts especially my squash plants that i have already seperated into their new homes and a couple of cucs.. is it...
I have my veggies growing nicely, but had a question. I heard once or twice that to help the plant grow once its started sprouting to pinch the...
Is it to late to start potatos? Im in Oklahoma, USA. Zone 7. (: Thanks
My seeds are starting to sprout (most of them as you can see from my blog) But, they are thin and whispy especially the Tomato and tomotillos....
Wowee.. lifes been busy! I have to appologize for how long it has been since ive been on here!! I just know that Im so ready for spring and...
Just wondering if anyone (USA) is going to take advantage of the 'free fishing pass' this weekend? I plan on it, but as with everything in my...
I always have nice fruit on my peach trees. But, i have a question for a friend. She said her peach tree never flowers, and she only gets small...
OMG! I think i have chigger pox! I swear, chiggers just love me for some reason!!! Never fails that i dont have at least 1 chigger bite all...
When I have a broken rose stem (usually a new growth stem) how do i get it to grow? I dont have any root hormone but dont want to just throw it...
Im trying to post a pic of the lil fella that just started greeting us each time we come or go out the front door. Hes down on the side walk...
I was wondering if anyone here knows (or knows someone who does) about a particular tree in Mexico i am Interested in. While i was visiting...
Hello! I have yet another question (again) Lol. Can I be over miricle growing?? I just cant seem to stop trying to feed my lil babies every...
Ok, i was walking with my daughter and I picked up these 2 different (weeds?). One was in my yard.. the button one. The other was on the side of...
I have an area next to my house (north side) which is shaded heavily by a tree and no grass grows there or any other plants ive tried. It stays...
OMG, lol i was cleaning out my closet and I found a small variety of some zinias, and i had glued some different seeds to the strips of newspapers...
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