I know this isn't pot but it does look like it except for a few differences such as pot has four grooves that go up the shaft of the plant, the...
We need a topic for poisonous and edible plants and I don't see anywhere you would post anything about mushrooms which would fit in this new category
Just thought I would share with you all our first rose of the season[/url] [img] First Rose ( photo / image / picture from PillsburyDoughboy's...
I believe these to be the males of the stump stabber wasps. Since this site is full of gardeners I am sure you know of which wasp I speak. The...
Am I the only who has herd this one before? If you own a spider plant you will be cursed with bad luck. So anyone herd this old tale or know...
I wish I could have got a good pic of this spider but it wouldn't climb up the white wall of the garage and the only pic I got isn't great and I...
I think it's some sort of lily, and it's pretty big the flower part must be about a foot long. I only know one person I could ask and he doesn't...
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