Good Tuesday morning all. Currently 3°C and clear. Another lovely springish day ahead, and I'm going to make the most of it! Yesterday I abandoned...
Good Monday morning all! Its currently -3°C, sunny and the birds are singing!! Spring is in the air, today anyway. Weatherman says it will be...
Good Sunday morning all. Currently -3°C and overcast. There is no wind, which is a nice change. The clocks sprung forward last night, and all the...
It always takes me a few weeks to get back to normal after the clocks change. I'm not sure why we still do it.
Good Saturday morning all. Currently -10°C and clear. The wind has finally settled down and all is still. For now. Weatherman says we will get...
Daniel that is gorgeous! I just looked it up and Camellia is only hardy to zone 7 so I won't be able to grow them here :(
Good Friday morning all. Currently -4°C and very windy with sun and a few snow squalls mixed in. Looks like Marlingardners wind is here now. It's...
Good Thursday morning all. Currently 0°C and in the middle of a snow squall. Its been very mild and today the weather turns back to winter with...
Good Wednesday morning all. Currently 2°C and raining. I think it has been raining most of the night, and we are under yet another special weather...
Very pretty. I'm glad its spring somewhere :)
Good Tuesday morning all. Currently 0°C and freezing rain. We are under a special weather statement for the next 2 days ... freezing rain turning...
Good Monday morning all. Currently -11°C and overcast. Weatherman says the temperature will go above freezing today. It will be nice to melt some...
Good Sunday morning all. Currently -21°C and clear. It sure is a cold one! Nothing in the trap this morning, and I didn't really expect there to...
Good Saturday morning all. Currently -9°C overcast and very windy. We had snow, thankfully not as much as they had called for, and very strong...
Good Friday morning all. Currently -10°C and mostly cloudy. Weather forecast for today has changed slightly, but we are still expected to get the...
Good Thursday morning all. Currently -1°C and snowing. Oh yay, just what I needed was more snow! Weatherman only calls for 2cm so thats not bad....
Good Wednesday morning all. Currently -1°C and overcast. This morning when I opened the door, a rabbit was sitting right beside the trap. Thunder...
Good Tuesday morning all. Currently -1°C and overcast. Highs are expected to hit 5°C today and it looks like rain. I was hoping to get outside...
Good Monday morning all. Currently -1°C and overcast. Highs above freezing expected again today. It was a nice day yesterday, and I spent the...
Good Sunday morning all. Currently -4°C and overcast. It feels so much warmer than yesterday, and the high is expected to go above the freezing...
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