The bummer is that I mentioned this to one of my single friends, I was trying to give her a heads-up as a warning and she just yessed me. Like...
I have 3 friends who have been scammed out of money, and another friend who figured it out just before she got scammed. All four are smart people...
That clock's a beaut Daniel.
But why Dawn & not some other dish soap?
So what about the question of the bean foliage... To lay it down on the bed to protect the soil during winter or if this will provide too much...
What is it about Dawn? It's recommended for a variety of applications other than washing dishes.
Once you know what they look like & what their frass looks like, you can't unsee them. I hope you don't get them. But.... Maybe they aren't my as...
Thanks all! Pac... This year the jumping worms haven't been bad. A few here and there, but not much at all. It is perplexing. This isn't just in...
I think Sjoerd has given you good advice. We had a yellow jacket nest the beginning of the season they were relatively gentle. But by...
??? I'm afraid I am slow here. 99¢ for 3 cakes or 99¢ each, 3 would be~$3. Or is it 99¢ for the packet whether it has 2 cakes or 3.... I'm not...
Sj... Great story! I was guessing it was a bumble bee.. Hear that Pac? Your's was a great story too.
That first photo looks like a still life. Beautiful.
Chuckle Pretty funny.
Mouth watering pics
Love it Daniel. I'm a foliage lover too.
Do you still have that apron @Sjoerd ?
Beautiful blooms Pacnorwest, Oreti & Sjoerd. Here's a William Baffin climbing rose at my plot in the Community Garden. [ATTACH]
Thanks Sjoerd. The directions I read said not to hill them up because they won't produce more that way, they are determinant rather than...
Thanks for the tutorial Sjoerd. I love potatoes too! I bet yours will produce well. Question for you: This year I'm growing yukon gold...
Great soluntion! And it is attractive to boot!
Separate names with a comma.