[img] So, that's a streetside view of the area in question. My yard to the right, neighbor to the left. My grass grows FAST and drives me right...
Site? ;) Also, Toni, I was already thinking about the property line concern and I still do. I guess I figure the worst that could happen is...
I only have one "joining" neighbor to concern myself with where I live which I'm thankful for. My house was supposed to be a corner lot but they...
I actually haven't gotten to the fabric yet ;) I think I need another yard worth of soil in that bed so possibly this coming weekend I'll get to...
Well, no gutters installed yet, but! They've at least been purchased! My coworker came over to help for a couple of hours on Saturday and...
I'll certainly consider the mulch. I really do like the fullness and the "pop" it brings to the beds :) I'm not actually planning on seeding...
;) Lots of digging with the shovel in thankfully soft and pliable clay. The first one wasn't so heavy but the last two, easy 30lbs each. But, I...
Wooooo! Finally got the roots/stumps out! It went a LOT easier than anticipated :) I'd honestly rather dig out stumps than dig out rocks...but...I...
[img] Irene has dumped a few inches of rain today and the sloping in the back has at least helped a little on keeping the water from standing...
Hahahah! The trouble with that is I have no men around ;) My neighbor just walks over every now and again to see what I've done...So, it's all...
Thanks for the faith, but I don't know that I'm THAT strong ;)
I wish I had that saw on a permanent basis! Hoping the pruners can work. Keep in mind, I still haven't touched the other side of the house lol
I have the pruners...just no idea if they can handle these roots.... I'm going to try at it tomorrow. I have a LOT of digging out to do around the...
Okay I lied...ONE more scary photo. This one happens to show the leaves a little bit better...Sort of.... [img]
*snicker* Time to frighten you folks with what the house USED to look like ;) [img] This was a pic from 2009 that they agents had when they...
NO idea. I think the one closest to the drive way is a Juniper. That one is down there pretty good but doesn't seem to be as spread across as the...
Thank you sir, I do understand ;) That's how the bushes got cut do to where they are at currently. I burned up two blades going through them too :(
*headdesk* So tired! Tooty, the rain handlers look pretty cool but OUCH...definitely can't afford that at this time. Single income household at...
I like talking too much to keep mum :) I'm going to have to do some SERIOUS thinking on the rain barrel thing. The driveway side of my house...
Hahaha I don't think I have enough brain power for that! Part of the beauty of my front yard is that it doesn't get an insane amount of sun. This...
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