Thanks for all the help! Ya'll are great! They are a yellow daylily variety. My M-I-L dug up the plant I collected the seeds from, and gave that...
Everyone here is talking about harvesting seed. I got jealous that I don't have any flowers to harvest from, so I went to my M-I-L house and...
if i could do anything without regard to health and cost, i would want to have a dog rescue! i love dogs, all dogs, and so many are "thrown away"...
:-D That settles it then! I'm definitely going to try them, and since I'm planning a rather large bed , a few of your other ideas as well!...
Thank you so much Eileen! I love the idea of lavender and thyme. Would they work together do you think?
My mother in las is planning on reworking her daylilies this fall, and has graciously earmarked many of the divisions for me! her daylilies are...
thanks eileen!
we have several pink mimosa trees along our property line. i would be glad to send you some pods.
Hello, and Welcome! the folks here are the best! they can answer just about any question you have. Very friendly place, glad you found it!
Our utility company just cleared tree branches away from the powerlines. they chipped up everything, and left a big pile of it for us to use as...
Do you have any areas in your yard that stay damp? or any areas with alot of leaves or old dead wood? that is where the chiggers like to lie in...
to everyone on the stew!!
I have found my place in the world. Yes, It's rusty and fallen down. Yes, it's a little baren and needy. But, when I'm up there by myself And...
Hey Jana, welcome to the stew. I lived in Washington for about 3 years. It's beautiful out there!
Hello and welcome ginpie. I'm new here too. The folks here are very friendly and filled with great advice. I'm sure you will enjoy it here !
Poo! It has been raining since yesterday afternoon. My hubby says grounds too wet to till, so I still have to wait!
Thank so much toni. I wrote everything down. I can't wait to get started. I am so excited to see if I can actually grow something!
As you may know, I am a very novice gardener. I am dying to plant my first garden, but is it too late in the season? Are there any types of...
thank you zuzu ! Both ideas are great. Btw, i've read your blog... let me just say, I hope my garden turns out half as nice as yours !
Welcome from mississippi
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