Thanks for the tips. Yeah this one isn't small, stands around 5 feet tall. I will do the hose thing on ncier day then today. Thanks for your help!
Well only a couple times the tree has come down, but not often. The cats mostly just want to bat off the ornaments so we make sure they're shatter...
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the photos, there's plenty more where that came from. ;) We thought maybe JJ would out grow his tree climbing phase,...
Eeek, spider mites that sounds very creepy. No the white doesn't look like the picture you included, just white specs. Well I took a damp paper...
Okay maybe having just 4 cats doesn't make me crazy, but compared to my other friends and family it's alot to own at once. I just realized I don't...
I dunno what I'm doing wrong(bare in mind I'm still new to plant keeping), but my Cat Palm seems to be dying quickly. I water it every 3 but it...
Well maybe when it stops down pouring I can run outside a take picture of it tomorrow.
I have this this fat green leafy bush(i don't know the name, I'm new to gardening) stands about 9feet tall and 5 feet wide, growing infront of my...
Thats sucks that they all die. I think it's too wet for them now that you mention it. It's been raining almost daily here for the past week so i...
Mine are like yours toni. The damage is the leafs are turning yellow, not the green they are supposed to be. Maybe they're in too much sun or...
I would've gone with a medium tan/brown color personally. With feminine color like pink i would match it with a neutral or a more manly colour.
I just think planting flowers in various spots in the middle of the lawn would look funny and be tricky to mow around. :S I'm trying to keep all...
Wow some more great replies! You sure are a friendly bunch! Yeah the lawn is pretty bare in terms of landscaping. The past owners were slobs so...
Wow thats beautiful! I always wanted to create a nice natural bird house, this definitely gives me some inspirtaion!
I like the pattern on the fabric, you did a great job. I love to make pillows and sew aswell.
Thank you for the warm welcomes! Netty I used to live in Ontario(was born there actually) but I lived more northern, close to the Manitoba...
I just recently starting into the plant hobby and have some hens and chicks. They were doing fine in their pots but now that I removed them and...
Hey my fellow planters! I'm a recently converted planter, just entering the world of plants. I recently moved in my first home with my hubby and...
Separate names with a comma.